The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Percy Bysshe Shelley

Wine of the Fairies

I am drunk with the honey wineOf the moon-unfolded eglantine,Which fairies catch in hyacinth bowls.The bats, the dormice, and the molesSleep in the walls or under the swardOf the desolate castle yard;And when ’tis spilt on the summer earthOr its…

When the Lamp Is Shattered

I.When the lamp is shatteredThe light in the dust lies dead—When the cloud is scatteredThe rainbow’s glory is shed.When the lute is broken,Sweet tones are remembered not;When the lips have spoken,Loved accents are soon forgot. II.As music and splendourSurvive not…

When a Lover Clasps His Fairest

I.When a lover clasps his fairest,Then be our dread sport the rarest.Their caresses were like the chaffIn the tempest, and be our laughHis despair—her epitaph! II.When a mother clasps her child,Watch till dusty Death has piledHis cold ashes on the…


Ambition, power, and avarice, now have hurledDeath, fate, and ruin, on a bleeding world.See! on yon heath what countless victims lie,Hark! what loud shrieks ascend through yonder sky;Tell then the cause, ’tis sure the avenger’s rageHas swept these myriads from…

Wake the Serpent Not

Wake the serpent not—lest heShould not know the way to go,—Let him crawl which yet lies sleepingThrough the deep grass of the meadow!Not a bee shall hear him creeping,Not a may-fly shall awakenFrom its cradling blue-bell shaken,Not the starlight as…

Verses on a Cat

I.A cat in distress,Nothing more, nor less;Good folks, I must faithfully tell ye,As I am a sinner,It waits for some dinnerTo stuff out its own little belly. II.You would not easily guessAll the modes of distressWhich torture the tenants of…


INFERNO 33, 22-75. Now had the loophole of that dungeon, stillWhich bears the name of Famine’s Tower from me,And where ’tis fit that many another will Be doomed to linger in captivity,Shown through its narrow opening in my cell‘Moon after…


Where art thou, beloved To-morrow?When young and old, and strong and weak,Rich and poor, through joy and sorrow,Thy sweet smiles we ever seek,—In thy place—ah! well-a-day!We find the thing we fled—To-day.