The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Paul Laurence Dunbar


Step wid de banjo an’ glide wid de fiddle, Dis ain’ no time fu’ to pottah an’ piddle:Fu’ Christmas is comin’, it’s right on de way, An’ dey’s houahs to dance ‘fo’ de break o’ de day.What if de win’…

Chrismus on the Plantation

  It was Chrismus Eve, I mind hit fu’ a mighty gloomy day–  Bofe de weathah an’ de people–not a one of us was gay;  Cose you ‘ll t’ink dat ‘s mighty funny ‘twell I try to mek hit cleah,  Fu’ a da’ky ‘s…

Chrismus Is A-Comin’

Bones a-gittin’ achy,Back a-feelin’ col’,Han’s a-growin’ shaky,Jes’ lak I was ol’.Fros’ erpon de meddahLookin’ mighty white;Snowdraps lak a feddahSlippin’ down at night.Jes’ keep t’ings a-hummin’Spite o’ fros’ an’ showahs,Chrismus is a-comin’An’ all de week is ouahs. Little mas’ a-axin’,“Who is…

A Choice

They please me not—these solemn songsThat hint of sermons covered up.’T is true the world should heed its wrongs, But in a poem let me sup,Not simples brewed to cure or easeHumanity’s confessed disease,But the spirit-wine of a singing line,…

The Chase

The wind told the little leaves to hurry, And chased them down the way,While the mother tree laughed loud in glee, For she thought her babes at play,The cruel wind and the rain laughed loudly, We’ll bury them deep, they…

Changing Time

The cloud looked in at the window, And said to the day, “Be dark!”And the roguish rain tapped hard on the pane, To stifle the song of the lark.The wind sprang up in the tree tops And shrieked with a…

The Change

Love used to carry a bow, you know, But now he carries a taper;It is either a length of wax aglow, Or a twist of lighted paper.I pondered a little about the scamp, And then I decided to followHis wandering…

The Change Has Come

The change has come, and Helen sleeps—Not sleeps; but wakes to greater deeps Of wisdom, glory, truth, and light, Than ever blessed her seeking sight, In this low, long, lethargic night, Worn out with strife Which men call life.The change…

A Career

“Break me my bounds, and let me flyTo regions vast of boundless sky;Nor I, like piteous Daphne, beRoot-bound. Ah, no! I would be freeAs yon same bird that in its flightOutstrips the range of mortal sight;Free as the mountain streams…

The Capture

Duck come switchin’ ‘cross de lot Hi, oh, Miss Lady!Hurry up an’ hide de pot Hi, oh, Miss Lady!Duck’s a mighty ‘spicious fowl,Slick as snake an’ wise as owl;Hol’ dat dog, don’t let him yowl! Hi, oh, Miss Lady!Th’ow dat…