The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Paul Laurence Dunbar


Villain shows his indiscretion,Villain’s partner makes confession.Juvenile, with golden tresses,Finds her pa and dons long dresses.Scapegrace comes home money-laden,Hero comforts tearful maiden,Soubrette marries loyal chappie,Villain skips, and all are happy.


Mammy’s in de kitchen, an’ de do’ is shet;All de pickaninnies climb an’ tug an’ sweat,Gittin’ to de winder, stickin’ dah lak flies,Evah one ermong us des all nose an’ eyes.”Whut’s she cookin’, Isaac?” “Whut’s she cookin’, Jake?””Is it sweet…

The Crisis

A man of low degree was sore oppressed, Fate held him under iron-handed sway,And ever, those who saw him thus distressed Would bid him bend his stubborn will and pray.But he, strong in himself and obdurate,Waged, prayerless, on his losing…

The Corn-Stalk Fiddle

When the corn ‘s all cut and the bright stalks shine Like the burnished spears of a field of gold;When the field-mice rich on the nubbins dine, And the frost comes white and the wind blows cold;Then it’s heigho! fellows…

A Corn-Song

On the wide veranda white, In the purple failing light,Sits the master while the sun is lowly burning;And his dreamy thoughts are drownedIn the softly flowing soundOf the corn-songs of the field-hands slow returning. Oh, we ho de co’n Since…

A Coquette Conquered

Yes, my ha’t ‘s ez ha’d ez stone—Go ‘way, Sam, an’ lemme ‘lone.No; I ain’t gwine change my min’—Ain’t gwine ma’y you—nuffin’ de kin’. Phiny loves you true an’ deah?Go ma’y Phiny; whut I keer?Oh, you need n’t mou’n an’…

Conscience and Remorse

“Good-bye,” I said to my conscience— “Good-bye for aye and aye,”And I put her hands off harshly, And turned my face away;And conscience smitten sorely Returned not from that day.But a time came when my spirit Grew weary of its…

The Conquerors

The Black Troops in CubaRound the wide earth, from the red field your valour has won,Blown with the breath of the far-speaking gun, Goes the word.Bravely you spoke through the battle cloud heavy and dun.Tossed though the speech toward the…

A Confidence

Uncle John, he makes me tired;Thinks ‘at he’s jest so all-firedSmart, ‘at he kin pick up, so,Ever’thing he wants to know.Tried to ketch me up last night,But you bet I would n’t bite.I jest kep’ the smoothes’ face,But I led…


Search thou my heart; If there be guile,It shall depart Before thy smile.Search thou my soul; Be there deceit,’T will vanish whole Before thee, sweet.Upon my mind Turn thy pure lens;Naught shalt thou find Thou canst not cleanse.If I should…