The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poets

Michael F. M. Rossetti

Born 22 April 1881 ; Died 24 January 1883. Aholy Innocent gone homeWithout so much as one sharp wounding word;A blessed Michael in heaven’s lofty domeWithout a sword. 2Brief dawn and noon and setting time!Our rapid-rounding moon has fled;A black…

Counterblast on Penny Trumpet

If Mr. Bright retiring does not please, And Mr. Gladstone staying gives offence,What can man do which is not one of these? Use your own common sense.Yet he’s a brave man who abjures his cause For conscience’ sake: let byegones…

To-Day’s Burden.

“Arise, depart, for this is not your rest.”Oh, burden of all burdens,—still to ariseAnd still depart, nor rest in any wise!Rolling, still rolling thus to east from west,Earth journeys on her immemorial quest,Whom a moon chases in no different guise.Thus…


Had Fortune parted us,Fortune is blind;Had Anger parted us,Anger unkind—But since God parts usLet us part humbly,Bearing our burdenBravely and dumbly. And since there is but oneHeaven, not another,Let us not close that doorAgainst each other.God’s Love is higher than…

A Poor Old Dog

Pity the sorrows of a poor old dog Who wags his tail a-begging in his need;Despise not even the sorrows of a frog, God’s creature too, and that’s enough to plead;Spare puss who trusts us dozing on our hearth; Spare…

My Mouse

Avenus seems my MouseCome safe ashore from foaming seas,Which in a small way and at ease Keeps house. An Iris seems my Mouse,Bright bow of that exhausted showerWhich made a world of sweet herbs flower And boughs. A darling Mouse…

Valentines to My Mother, 1886

Winter’s latest snowflake is the snowdrop flower,Yellow crocus kindles the first flame of the Spring,At that time appointed, at that day and hour,When life reawakens and hope in everything. Such a tender snowflake in the wintry weather,Such a feeble flamelet…

Valentines to My Mother, 1885

All the Robin Redbreasts Have lived the winter through,Jenny Wrens have pecked their fillAnd found a work to do; Families of Sparrows Have weathered wind and stormWith Rabbit on the stony hill And Hare upon her form. You and I,…

Valentines to My Mother, 1884

Another year of joy and grief, Another year of hope and fear :O Mother, is life long or brief? We hasten while we linger here. But, since we linger, love me still And bless me still, O Mother mine,While hand…

Valentines to My Mother, 1883

A world of change and loss, a world of death,Of heart and eyes that fail, of labouring breath,Of pains to bear and painful deeds to do:—Nevertheless a world of life to comeAnd love; where you’re at home, while in our…