The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poets


Love, whom I have loved too well,Turn thy face away from me,For I heed nor heaven nor hellWhile mine eyes can look on theeDo not answer, do not speak,For thy voice can make me weak. I must choose ‘twixt God…


Cheerry-Red her mouth was, Morning-blue her eye,Lady-slim her little waist Rounded prettily; And her sweet smile of gladness Made every heart rejoice :But sweeter even than her smile The tones were of her voice.Sometimes she spoke, sometimes she sang; And…

The Dream

Rest, rest; the troubled breast Panteth evermore for rest:— Be it sleep or be it death, Rest is all it coveteth.Tell me, dost thou remember the old time We sat together by that sunny stream,And dreamed our happiness was too…


Oh would that I were very far away Among the lanes, with hedges all around, Happily listening to the dreamy soundOf distant sheep-bells, smelling the new hayAnd all the wild flowers scattered in my way: Or would that I were…

I Have Fought a Good Fight

“Who art thou that comest with a steadfast faceThrough the hushed arena to the buryingplace?”“I am one whose footprints marked upon the sandCry in blood for vengeance on a guilty land.” “How are these thy garments white as whitest snowThough…

The Rose

O rose, thou flower of flowers, thou fragrant wonder, Who shall describe thee in thy ruddy prime, Thy perfect fullness in the summertime,When the pale leaves blushingly part asunderAnd show the warm red heart lies glowing under? Thou shouldst bloom…

The Dead City

Once I rambled in a woodWith a careless hardihood,Heeding not the tangled way;Labyrinths around me lay,But for them I never stood. On, still on, I wandered on,And the sun above me shone;And the birds around me wingingWith their everlasting singingMade…

Resurrection Eve

He resteth: weep not;The living sleep notWith so much calm. He hears no chiding And no deriding, Hath joy for sorrow, For night hath morrow,For wounds hath balm,For life’s strange riotHath death and quiet.Who would recall him Of those that…

The Song of the Star

I am a Star dwelling on highIn the azure of the vaulted sky.I shine on the land and I shine on the sea,And the little breezes talk to me.The waves rise towards me every one,And forget the brightness of the…

The Solitary Rose

O happy Rose, red Rose, that bloomest lonely Where there are none to gather while they love thee;That art perfumed by thine own fragrance only, Resting like incense round thee and above thee;—Thou hearest nought save some pure stream that…