The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poets

None with Him

My god, to live: how didst Thou bear to live, Preaching and teaching, toiling to and fro?Few men accepting what Thou hadst to give, Few men prepared to know Thy face, to see the truth Thou cam’st to show.My God,…

In Patience

I will not faint, but trust in God Who this my lot hath given :He leads me by the thorny road Which is the road to heaven.Though sad my day that lasts so long,At evening I shall have a song:Though…

Come unto Me

Oh for the time gone by when thought of Christ Made His yoke easy and His burden light! When my heart stirred within me at the sightOf altar spread for awful Eucharist:When all my hopes His promises sufficed: When my…

For a Mercy Received

Thank God who spared me what I feared ! Once more I gird myself to run. Thy promise stands, Thou Faithful One.Horror of darkness disappeared At length : once more I see the sun,And dare to wait in hope for…

Out of the Deep

Have mercy, Thou my God—mercy, my God! For I can hardly bear life day by day. Be I here or there, I fret myself away:Lo for Thy staff I have but felt Thy rodAlong this tedious desert-path long trod. When…

Within the Veil

She holds a lily in her hand,Where long ranks of Angels stand:A silver lily for her wand. All her hair falls sweeping down,Her hair that is a golden brown,A crown beneath her golden crown. Blooms a rose-bush at her knee,Good…

By the Waters of Babylon

By the waters of BabylonWe sit down and weep,Far from the pleasant landWhere our fathers sleep:Far from our Holy PlaceFrom which the Glory is gone:We sit in dust and weepBy the waters of Babylon. By the waters of BabylonThe willow-trees…

The Offering of the New Law

Once I thought to sit so highIn the palace of the sky:Now I thank God for His graceIf I may fill the lowest place. Once I thought to scale so soonHeights above the changing moon:Now I thank God for delay:—To-day:…

Easter Even

There is nothing more that they can do For all their rage and boast;Caiaphas with his blaspheming crew, Herod with his host,Pontius Pilate in his Judgement-hall Judging their Judge and his,Or he who led them all and passed them all,…