The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poets

Heartsease in My Garden Bed

Heartsease in my garden bed,With sweetwilliam white and red,Honeysuckle on my wall:—Heartsease blossoms in my heartWhen sweet William comes to call,But it withers when we part,And the honey-trumpets fall.

Hear What the Mournful Linnets Say

Hear what the mournful linnets say:‘We built our nest compact and warm,But cruel boys came round our wayAnd took our summerhouse by storm.‘They crushed the eggs so neatly laid;So now we sit with drooping wing,And watch the ruin they have…

Growing In The Vale

Growing in the valeBy the uplands hilly,Growing straight and frail,Lady Daffadowndilly.In a golden crown,And a scant green gownWhile the spring blows chilly,Lady Daffadown,Sweet Daffadowndilly.

Gone for Ever

O happy rosebud bloomingUpon thy parent tree,Nay, thou art too presumingFor soon the earth entombingThy faded charms shall be,And the chill damp consuming. O happy skylark springingUp to the broad blue sky,Too fearless in thy winging,Too gladsome in thy singing,Thou…

From “Later Life”

VIWe lack, yet cannot fix upon the lack:  Not this, nor that; yet somewhat, certainly.  We see the things we do not yearn to see  Around us: and what see we glancing back?  Lost hopes that leave our hearts upon…

Ferry Me Across The Water

‘Ferry me across the water,Do, boatman, do.’‘If you’ve a penny in your purseI’ll ferry you.’‘I have a penny in my purse,And my eyes are blue;So ferry me across the water,Do, boatman, do.’‘Step into my ferry-boat,Be they black or blue,And for…

Fata Morgana

A blue-eyed phantom far before Is laughing, leaping toward the sun:Like lead I chase it evermore, I pant and run.It breaks the sunlight bound on bound: Goes singing as it leaps alongTo sheep-bells with a dreamy sound A dreamy song.I…

Endure Hardness

A cold wind stirs the blackthornTo burgeon and to blow,Besprinkling half-green hedgesWith flakes and sprays of snow. Through coldness and through keenness,Dear hearts, take comfort so:Somewhere or other doubtlessThese make the blackthorn blow.