The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poets

If Hope Grew on a Bush

If hope grew on a bush,And joy grew on a tree,What a nosegay for the pluckingThere would be!But oh! in windy autumn,When frail flowers wither,What should we do for hope and joy,Fading together?

If a Pig Wore a Wig

If a pig wore a wig,What could we say?Treat him as a gentleman,And say ‘Good day.’If his tail chanced to fail,What could we do?—Send him to the tailoressTo get one new.

If a Mouse Could Fly

If a mouse could fly,Or if a crow could swim,Or if a sprat could walk and talk,I’d like to be like him.If a mouse could fly,He might fly away;Or if a crow could swim,It might turn him grey;Or if a…

I Planted a Hand

I planted a handAnd there came up a palm,I planted a heartAnd there came up balm.Then I planted a wish,But there sprang a thorn,While heaven frowned with thunderAnd earth sighed forlorn.

I Know a Baby, Such a Baby

I know a baby, such a baby,—Round blue eyes and cheeks of pink,Such an elbow furrowed with dimples,Such a wrist where creases sink.‘Cuddle and love me, cuddle and love me,’Crows the mouth of coral pink:Oh, the bald head, and, oh,…

I Have a Poll Parrot

I have a Poll parrot,And Poll is my doll,And my nurse is Polly,And my sister Poll.‘Polly!’ cried Polly,‘Don’t tear Polly, dolly’—While soft-hearted PollTrembled for the doll.

I Have a Little Husband

I have a little husbandAnd he is gone to sea,The winds that whistle round his shipFly home to me.The winds that sigh about meReturn again to him;So I would fly, if only IWere light of limb.