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Category Poets

Old and New Year Ditties

1.New Year met me somewhat sad: Old Year leaves me tired,Stripped of favorite things I had, Balked of much desired:Yet farther on my road to-day,God willing, farther on my way.New Year coming on apace What have you to give me?Bring…

After This the Judgment

As eager home-bound traveller to the goal, Or steadfast seeker on an unsearched main,Or martyr panting for an aureole, My fellow-pilgrims pass me, and attainThat hidden mansion of perpetual peace, Where keen desire and hope dwell free from pain:That gate…

Now They Desire

There is a sleep we have not sleptSafe in a bed unknown;There hearts are staunched that long have weptAlone, or bled alone:Sweet sleep that dreams not, or whose dreamIs foretaste of the truth;Sweet sleep whose sweets are what they seemRefreshing…


It is over. What is over? Nay, how much is over truly!—Harvest days we toiled to sow for; Now the sheaves are gathered newly, Now the wheat is garnered duly.It is finished. What is finished? Much is finished known or…

Zion Said

O slain for love of me, canst Thou be cold, Be cold and far away in my distress?Is Thy love also changed, growing less and less, That carried me through all the days of old? O Slain for love of…

The World

By day she woos me, soft, exceeding fair: But all night as the moon so changeth she; Loathsome and foul with hideous leprosyAnd subtle serpents gliding in her hair.By day she wooes me to the outer air, Ripe fruits, sweet…

Paradise: In a Dream

Once in a dream I saw the flowers That bud and bloom in Paradise; More fair they are than waking eyesHave seen in all this world of ours.And faint the perfume-bearing rose, And faint the lily on its stem,And faint…

A Form of Godlines

Driving and driving,The ship drives amain:While swift from mast to mastShapes flit again,Flit silent as the silenceWhere men lie slain;Their shadow cast upon the sailsIs like a stain. No voice to call the sleepers,No hand to raise:They sleep to death…

Sleep at Sea

Sound the deep waters:—Who shall sound that deep?—Too short the plummet,And the watchmen sleep.Some dream of effortUp a toilsome steep;Some dream of pasture groundsFor harmless sheep. White shapes flit to and froFrom mast to mast;They feel the distant tempestThat nears…