The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poets


If thro’ the sea of night which here surrounds me, I could swim out beyond the farthest star, Break every barrier of circumstance that bounds me, And greet the Sun of sweeter life afar, Tho’ near you there is passion,…


Know you, winds that blow your course Down the verdant valleys,That somewhere you must, perforce, Kiss the brow of Alice?When her gentle face you find,Kiss it softly, naughty wind.Roses waving fair and sweet Thro’ the garden alleys,Grow into a glory…

Alexander Crummell-Dead

Back to the breast of thy mother,Child of the earth!E’en her caress can not smotherWhat thou hast done.Follow the trail of the westering sunOver the earth.Thy light and his were as one—Sun, in thy worth.Unto a nation whose sky was…

After While, A Poem of Faith

I think that though the clouds be dark,That though the waves dash o’er the bark,Yet after while the light will come,And in calm waters safe at home The bark will anchor.Weep not, my sad-eyed, gray-robed maid,Because your fairest blossoms fade,That…

After The Quarrel

So we, who ‘ve supped the self-same cup, To-night must lay our friendship by;Your wrath has burned your judgment up, Hot breath has blown the ashes high.You say that you are wronged–ah, well, I count that friendship poor, at bestA…

After Many Days

I’ve always been a faithful manAn’ tried to live for duty,But the stringent mode of lifeHas somewhat lost its beauty.The story of the generous breadHe sent upon the waters,Which after many days returnsTo trusting sons and daughters,Had oft impressed me,…

After a Visit

I be’n down in ole Kentucky Fur a week er two, an’ say,’T wuz ez hard ez breakin’ oxen Fur to tear myse’f away.Allus argerin’ ’bout fren’ship An’ yer hospitality—Y’ ain’t no right to talk about it Tell you be’n…


W’en you full o’ worry ‘Bout yo’ wo’k an’ sich,W’en you kind o’ bothered Case you can’t get rich,An’ yo’ neighboh p’ospah Past his jest desu’ts,An’ de sneer of comerds Stuhes yo’ heaht an’ hu’ts,Des don’ pet yo’ worries, Lay…


Folks ain’t got no right to censuah othah folks about dey habits;Him dat giv’ de squir’ls de bushtails made de bobtails fu’ de rabbits.Him dat built de gread big mountains hollered out de little valleys,Him dat made de streets an’ driveways…


Good-night, my love, for I have dreamed of theeIn waking dreams, until my soul is lost—Is lost in passion’s wide and shoreless sea,Where, like a ship, unruddered, it is tostHither and thither at the wild waves’ will.There is no potent…