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Category Poets

The City Mouse and the Garden Mouse

The city mouse lives in a house;—The garden mouse lives in a bower,He’s friendly with the frogs and toads,And sees the pretty plants in flower. The city mouse eats bread and cheese;—The garden mouse eats what he can;We will not…

The Bourne

Underneath the growing grass,Underneath the living flowers,Deeper than the sound of showers:There we shall not count the hoursBy the shadows as they pass. Youth and health will be but vain,Beauty reckoned of no worth:There a very little girthCan hold round…


I watched a rosebud very long Brought on by dew and sun and shower, Waiting to see the perfect flower:Then, when I thought it should be strong, It opened at the matin hourAnd fell at evensong.I watched a nest from…


Winter is cold-heartedSpring is yea and nay,Autumn is a weather-cockBlown every way:Summer days for meWhen every leaf is on its tree; When Robin’s not a beggar,And Jenny Wren’s a bride,And larks hang singing, singing, singing,Over the wheat-fields wide,And anchored lilies…

Spring Quiet

Gone were but the Winter, Come were but the Spring,I would go to a covert Where the birds sing;Where in the whitethorn Singeth a thrush,And a robin sings In the holly-bush.Full of fresh scents Are the budding boughsArching high over…

Sound Sleep

Some are laughing, some are weeping;She is sleeping, only sleeping.Round her rest wild flowers are creeping;There the wind is heaping, heapingSweetest sweets of Summer’s keeping.By the corn-fields ripe for reaping. There are lilies, and there blushesThe deep rose, and there…

Sonnets Are Full of Love

Sonnets are full of love, and this my tomeHas many sonnets: so here now shall beOne sonnet more, a love sonnet, from meTo her whose heart is my heart’s quiet home,To my first Love, my Mother, on whose kneeI learnt…