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Category Poets

A Challenge to Fate

Why will you vex me with your futile conflict,Why will you strive with me, O foolish Fate?You cannot break me with your poignant envy,You cannot slay me with your subtle hate:For all the cruel folly you pursueI will not cry…


Let us rise, O my heart, let us go where the twilight is callingFar away from the sound of this lonely and menacing crowd,To the glens, to the glades, where the magical darkness is fallingIn rivers of gold from the breast…

An Anthem of Love

Two hands are we to serve thee, O our Mother,To strive and succour, cherish and unite;Two feet are we to cleave the waning darkness,And gain the pathways of the dawning light. Two ears are we to catch the nearing echo,The sounding…

At Dawn

Children, my children, the daylight is breaking,The cymbals of morn sound the hour of your waking,The long night is o’er, and our labour is ended,Fair blow the fields that we tilled and we tended,Swiftly the harvest grows mellow for reaping,The…

In the Night

Sleep, O my little ones, sleep,Safe till the daylight be breaking . . .We have long vigils to keep,Harvests to sow while you sleep,Fair for the hour of your waking,Ripe for your sickles to reap. Sleep, O my little ones,…

The Old Woman

A lonely old woman sits out in the street’Neath the boughs of a banyan tree,And hears the bright echo of hurrying feet,The pageant of life going blithely and fleetTo the feast of eternity.Her tremulous hand holds a battered white bowl,If…


Nay, do not grieve tho’ life be full of sadness,Dawn will not veil her splendour for your grief,Nor spring deny their bright, appointed beautyTo lotus blossom and ashoka leaf. Nay, do not pine, tho’ life be dark with trouble,Time will not pause…

The Soul’s Prayer

In childhood’s pride I said to Thee:“O Thou, who mad’st me of Thy breath,Speak, Master, and reveal to meThine inmost laws of life and death. “Give me to drink each joy and painWhich Thine eternal hand can mete,For my insatiate soul…

The Faery Isle of Janjira

To Her Highness Nazli Raffia, Begum of Janjira Fain would I dwell in your faery kingdom,O faery queen of a flowering clime,Where life glides by to a delicate measure,With the glamour and grace of a far-off time. Fain would I dwell…

The Hussain Saagar

The young dawn woos thee with his amorous grace,The journeying clouds of sunset pause and hover,Drinking the beauty of thy luminous face,But none thine inmost glory may discover,For thine evasive silver doth encloseWhat secret purple and what subtle roseResponsive only…