The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poets


Like this alabaster box whose artIs frail as a cassia-flower, is my heart,Carven with delicate dreams and wroughtWith many a subtle and exquisite thought. Therein I treasure the spice and scentOf rich and passionate memories blentLike odours of cinnamon, sandal…


To field and forestThe gifts of the spring,To hawk and to heronThe pride of their wing;Her grace to the panther,Her tints to the dove. . .For me, O my Master,The rapture of Love! To the hand of the diverThe gems…


Bright shower of lambent butterflies,Soft cloud of murmuring bees,O fragile storm of sighing leavesAdrift upon the breeze! Wild birds with eager wings outspreadTo seek an alien sky,Sweet comrades of a lyric spring.My little songs, good-bye!

Medley—A Kashmeri Song

The poppy grows on the roof-top,The iris flowers on the grave;Hope in the heart of a lover,And fear in the heart of a slave. The opal lies in the river,The pearl in the ocean’s breast;Doubt in a grieving bosom,And faith in…

In Salutation to the Eternal Peace

Men say the world is full of fear and hate,And all life’s ripening harvest-fields awaitThe restless sickle of relentless fate. But I, sweet Soul, rejoice that I was born,When from the climbing terraces of cornI watch the golden orioles of Thy…

The Call to Evening Prayer

Allah ho Akbar! Allah ho Akbar!From mosque and minar the muezzins are calling;Pour forth your praises, O Chosen of Islam;Swiftly the shadows of sunset are falling:Allah ho Akbar! Allah ho Akbar! Ave Maria! Ave Maria!Devoutly the priests at the altars…

A Challenge to Fate

Why will you vex me with your futile conflict,Why will you strive with me, O foolish Fate?You cannot break me with your poignant envy,You cannot slay me with your subtle hate:For all the cruel folly you pursueI will not cry…


Let us rise, O my heart, let us go where the twilight is callingFar away from the sound of this lonely and menacing crowd,To the glens, to the glades, where the magical darkness is fallingIn rivers of gold from the breast…

An Anthem of Love

Two hands are we to serve thee, O our Mother,To strive and succour, cherish and unite;Two feet are we to cleave the waning darkness,And gain the pathways of the dawning light. Two ears are we to catch the nearing echo,The sounding…

At Dawn

Children, my children, the daylight is breaking,The cymbals of morn sound the hour of your waking,The long night is o’er, and our labour is ended,Fair blow the fields that we tilled and we tended,Swiftly the harvest grows mellow for reaping,The…