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Category Poets

Bad Dreams I

Last night I saw you in my sleep:And how your charm of face was changed!I asked, “Some love, some faith you keep?”You answered, “Faith gone, love estranged.” Whereat I woke, a twofold bliss:Waking was one, but next there cameThis other:…

Bad Dreams: III

This was my dream: I saw a ForestOld as the earth, no track nor traceOf unmade man. Thou, Soul, explorest—Though in a trembling rapture—spaceImmeasurable! Shrubs, turned trees,Trees that touch heaven, support its friezeStudded with sun and moon and star:While- oh,…

Christmas Eve

I.Out of the little chapel I burstInto the fresh night air again.I had waited a good five minutes firstIn the doorway, to escape the rainThat drove in gusts down the common’s centre,At the edge of which the chapel stands,Before I…


How very hard it is to beA Christian! Hard for you and me,—Not the mere task of making realThat duty up to its ideal,Effecting thus complete and whole,A purpose or the human soul—For that is always hard to do;But hard,…

Master Hugues of Saxe-Gotha

[An imaginary composer.] I. Hist, but a word, fair and soft!Forth and be judged, Master Hugues!Answer the question I’ve put you so oft:What do you mean by your mountainous fugues?See, we’re alone in the loft,— II. I, the poor organist…

Thus the Mayne Glideth

Thus the Mayne glidethWhere my Love abideth;Sleep ‘s no softer: it proceedsOn through lawns, on through meads,On and on, whate’er befall,Meandering and musical,Though the niggard pasturageBears not on its shaven ledgeAught but weeds and waving grassesTo view the river as…

Cavalier Tunes, III. Boot and Saddle

III. BOOT AND SADDLE.I.Boot, saddle, to horse, and away!Rescue my castle before the hot dayBrightens to blue from its silvery grey, CHORUS.—Boot, saddle, to horse, and away!II.Ride past the suburbs, asleep as you’d say;Many’s the friend there, will listen and…

Cavalier Tunes, II. Give a Rouse

II. Give a Rouse.I.King Charles, and who’ll do him right now?King Charles, and who’s ripe for fight now?Give a rouse: here’s, in hell’s despite now,King Charles!II.Who gave me the goods that went since?Who raised me the house that sank once?Who…

Cavalier Tunes, I. Marching Along

I. Marching AlongKentish Sir Byng stood for his King,Bidding the crop-headed Parliament swing:And, pressing a troop unable to stoopAnd see the rogues flourish and honest folk droop,Marched them along, fifty-score strong,Great-hearted gentlemen, singing this song.II.God for King Charles! Pym and…

Song from ‘Paracelsus’

Heap cassia, sandal-buds and stripesOf labdanum, and aloe-balls,Smeared with dull nard an Indian wipesFrom out her hair: such balsam fallsDown sea-side mountain pedestals,From tree-tops where tired winds are fain,Spent with the vast and howling main,To treasure half their island-gain. And…