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Category Poets

The Question

I dreamed that, as I wandered by the way,Bare Winter suddenly was changed to Spring,And gentle odours led my steps astray,Mixed with a sound of waters murmuringAlong a shelving bank of turf, which layUnder a copse, and hardly dared to…

Song: Rarely, rarely, comest thou

Rarely, rarely, comest thou,Spirit of Delight!Wherefore hast thou left me nowMany a day and night?Many a weary night and day’Tis since thou are fled away.How shall ever one like meWin thee back again?With the joyous and the freeThou wilt scoff…


Unfathomable Sea! whose waves are years,Ocean of Time, whose waters of deep woeAre brackish with the salt of human tears!Thou shoreless flood, which in thy ebb and flowClaspest the limits of mortality!And sick of prey, yet howling on for more,Vomitest…

Time Long Past

Like the ghost of a dear friend deadIs Time long past.A tone which is now forever fled,A hope which is now forever past,A love so sweet it could not last,Was Time long past.There were sweet dreams in the nightOf Time…

The Triumph of Life

Swift as a spirit hastening to his taskOf glory & of good, the Sun sprang forthRejoicing in his splendour, & the maskOf darkness fell from the awakened Earth.The smokeless altars of the mountain snowsFlamed above crimson clouds, & at the…

To —-

One word is too often profanedFor me to profane it,One feeling too falsely disdainedFor thee to disdain it;One hope is too like despairFor prudence to smother,And pity from thee more dearThan that from another.I can give not what men call…

To a Skylark

Hail to thee, blithe Spirit!Bird thou never wert,That from Heaven, or near it,Pourest thy full heartIn profuse strains of unpremeditated art.Higher still and higherFrom the earth thou springestLike a cloud of fire;The blue deep thou wingest,And singing still dost soar,…

To Night

Swiftly walk o’er the western wave,Spirit of Night!Out of the misty eastern cave,Where, all the long and lone daylight,Thou wovest dreams of joy and fear,Which make thee terrible and dear,—Swift be thy flight!Wrap thy form in a mantle gray,Star-inwrought!Blind with…

To Jane: The Invitation

Best and brightest, come away!Fairer far than this fair Day,Which, like thee to those in sorrow,Comes to bid a sweet good-morrowTo the rough Year just awakeIn its cradle on the brake.The Brightest hour of unborn Spring,Through the winter wandering,Found, it…