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Category Poets


These are two friends whose lives were undivided;So let their memory be, now they have glidedUnder the grave; let not their bones be parted,For their two hearts in life were single-hearted.

Epipsychidion (Excerpt)

Emily,A ship is floating in the harbour now,A wind is hovering o’er the mountain’s brow;There is a path on the sea’s azure floor,No keel has ever plough’d that path before;The halcyons brood around the foamless isles;The treacherous Ocean has forsworn…


VERSES ADDRESSED TO THE NOBLE AND UNFORTUNATE LADY, EMILIA V—,NOW IMPRISONED IN THE CONVENT OF—L’anima amante si slancia fuori del creato, e si crea nell’ infinito un Mondo tutto per essa, diverso assai da questo oscuro e pauroso baratro.~Her own…

Epigram IV: Circumstance

From the Greek. A man who was about to hang himself,Finding a purse, then threw away his rope;The owner, coming to reclaim his pelf,The halter found; and used it. So is HopeChanged for Despair—one laid upon the shelf,We take the…

Epigram II: Kissing Helena

From the Greek of Plato. Kissing Helena, togetherWith my kiss, my soul beside itCame to my lips, and there I kept it,—For the poor thing had wandered thither,To follow where the kiss should guide it,Oh, cruel I, to intercept it!

Dirge for the Year

I.Orphan Hours, the Year is dead,Come and sigh, come and weep!Merry Hours, smile instead,For the Year is but asleep.See, it smiles as it is sleeping,Mocking your untimely weeping.II.As an earthquake rocks a corseIn its coffin in the clay,So White Winter,…


And canst thou mock mine agony, thus calmIn cloudless radiance, Queen of silver night?Can you, ye flow’rets, spread your perfumed balmMid pearly gems of dew that shine so bright?And you wild winds, thus can you sleep so stillWhilst throbs the…