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Category Poets

Fragments Supposed to Be Parts of Otho

I.Those whom nor power, nor lying faith, nor toil,Nor custom, queen of many slaves, makes blind,Have ever grieved that man should be the spoilOf his own weakness, and with earnest mindFed hopes of its redemption; these recurChastened by deathful victory…

Fragments of an Unfinished Drama

Scene.–Before the Cavern of the Indian Enchantress.The Enchantress comes forth.Enchantress.He came like a dream in the dawn of life, He fled like a shadow before its noon;He is gone, and my peace is turned to strife, And I wander and…

Fragment: Yes! All Is Past

Yes! all is past—swift time has fled away,Yet its swell pauses on my sickening mind;How long will horror nerve this frame of clay?I’m dead, and lingers yet my soul behind.Oh! powerful Fate, revoke thy deadly spell,And yet that may not…

Fragment: What Men Gain Fairly

What men gain fairly—that they should possess,And children may inherit idleness,From him who earns it—This is understood;Private injustice may be general good.But he who gains by base and armed wrong,Or guilty fraud, or base compliances,May be despoiled; even as a…

Fragment: Wedded Souls

I am as a spirit who has dweltWithin his heart of hearts, and I have feltHis feelings, and have thought his thoughts, and knownThe inmost converse of his soul, the toneUnheard but in the silence of his blood,When all the…

Fragment: To the Moon

Bright wanderer, fair coquette of Heaven,To whom alone it has been givenTo change and be adored for ever,Envy not this dim world, for neverBut once within its shadow grewOne fair as—

Fragment: To One Singing

My spirit like a charmed bark doth swimUpon the liquid waves of thy sweet singing,Far far away into the regions dim Of rapture—as a boat, with swift sails wingingIts way adown some many-winding river,Speeds through dark forests o’er the waters…