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Category Poets


Wild, pale, and wonder-stricken, even as oneWho staggers forth into the air and sunFrom the dark chamber of a mortal fever,Bewildered, and incapable, and everFancying strange comments in her dizzy brainOf usual shapes, till the familiar trainOf objects and of…

Ghasta or, the Avenging Demon!!!

Hark! the owlet flaps her wing,In the pathless dell beneath,Hark! night ravens loudly sing,Tidings of despair and death.— Horror covers all the sky,Clouds of darkness blot the moon,Prepare! for mortal thou must die,Prepare to yield thy soul up soon— Fierce…

From Vergil’s Tenth Eclogue

Melodious Arethusa, o’er my verseShed thou once more the spirit of thy stream:Who denies verse to Gallus? So, when thouGlidest beneath the green and purple gleamOf Syracusan waters, mayst thou flowUnmingled with the bitter Doric dew!Begin, and, whilst the goats…

From Vergil’s Fourth Georgic

And the cloven waters like a chasm of mountainsStood, and received him in its mighty portalAnd led him through the deep’s untrampled fountains He went in wonder through the path immortalOf his great Mother and her humid reignAnd groves profaned…

From the Greek of Moschus

Tan ala tan glaukan otan onemos atrema Balle—k.t.l. When winds that move not its calm surface sweepThe azure sea, I love the land no more;The smiles of the serene and tranquil deepTempt my unquiet mind.—But when the roarOf Ocean’s gray…

Adonais, 49-52, [Go thou to Rome]

49 Go thou to Rome,—at once the Paradise, The grave, the city, and the wilderness; And where its wrecks like shattered mountains rise, And flowering weeds, and fragrant copses dress The bones of Desolation’s nakedness Pass, till the spirit of…

Fragments Written for Hellas

I.Fairest of the Destinies,Disarray thy dazzling eyes:Keener far thy lightnings areThan the winged [bolts] thou bearest,And the smile thou wearestWraps thee as a starIs wrapped in light. II.Could Arethuse to her forsaken urnFrom Alpheus and the bitter Doris run,Or could…