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Category Poets

The Flight of Love

When the lamp is shatter’d,The light in the dust lies dead—When the cloud is scatter’d,The rainbow’s glory is shed.When the lute is broken,Sweet tones are remember’d not;When the lips have spoken,Loved accents are soon forgot. As music and splendourSurvive not…

Lines to an Indian Air

I arise from dreams of TheeIn the first sweet sleep of night,When the winds are breathing lowAnd the stars are shining bright:I arise from dreams of thee,And a spirit in my feetHath led me—who knows how?To thy chamber-window, Sweet! The…

Hymn to the Spirit of Nature

Life of Life! Thy lips enkindleWith their love the breath between them;And thy smiles before they dwindleMake the cold air fire; then screen themIn those locks, where whoso gazesFaints, entangled in their mazes. Child of Light! Thy limbs are burningThrough…

A Dream of the Unknown

I dream’d that, as I wander’d by the wayBare Winter suddenly was changed to Spring,And gentle odours led my steps astray,Mix’d with a sound of waters murmuringAlong a shelving bank of turf, which layUnder a copse, and hardly dared to…

Written at Bracknell

Thy dewy looks sink in my breast; Thy gentle words stir poison there;Thou hast disturbed the only rest That was the portion of despair!Subdued to Duty’s hard control, I could have borne my wayward lot:The chains that bind this ruined…

With a Guitar, to Jane

Ariel to Miranda:—TakeThis slave of music, for the sakeOf him who is the slave of thee;And teach it all the harmonyIn which thou canst, and only thou,Make the delighted spirit glow,Till joy denies itself againAnd, too intense, is turned to…

Wine of the Fairies

I am drunk with the honey wineOf the moon-unfolded eglantine,Which fairies catch in hyacinth bowls.The bats, the dormice, and the molesSleep in the walls or under the swardOf the desolate castle yard;And when ’tis spilt on the summer earthOr its…

When the Lamp Is Shattered

I.When the lamp is shatteredThe light in the dust lies dead—When the cloud is scatteredThe rainbow’s glory is shed.When the lute is broken,Sweet tones are remembered not;When the lips have spoken,Loved accents are soon forgot. II.As music and splendourSurvive not…