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Category Poets

Death’s Echo

“O who can ever gaze his fill,” Farmer and fisherman say,”On native shore and local hill,Grudge aching limb or callus on the hand?Father, grandfather stood upon this land,And here the pilgrims from our loins will stand.” So farmer and fisherman…

O Where Are You Going?

    “O where are you going?” said reader to rider,    “That valley is fatal where furnaces burn,    Yonder’s the midden whose odours will madden,    That gap is the grave where the tall return.”     “O…

Roman Wall Blues 

Over the heather the wet wind blows,I’ve lice in my tunic and a cold in my nose. The rain comes pattering out of the sky,I’m a Wall soldier, I don’t know why. The mist creeps over the hard grey stone,My…


O the valley in the summer where I and my JohnBeside the deep river would walk on and onWhile the flowers at our feet and the birds up aboveArgued so sweetly on reciprocal love,And I leaned on his shoulder; ‘O…

O Lurcher-Loving Collier, Black as Night,

O lurcher-loving collier, black as night,Follow your love across the smokeless hill;Your lamp is out, the cages are all still;Course for heart and do not miss,For Sunday soon is past and, Kate, fly not so fast,For Monday comes when none…

Twelve Songs

I. Song of the Beggars“O for doors to be open and an invite with gilded edgesTo dine with Lord Lobcock and Count Asthma on the platinum benchesWith somersaults and fireworks, the roast and the smacking kisses” Cried the cripples to…

Song of the Beggars

—”O for doors to be open and an invite with gilded edges To dine with Lord Lobcock and Count Asthma on the platinum benches With the somersaults and fireworks, the roast and the smacking kisses” Cried the cripples to the…


Now through night’s caressing gripEarth and all her oceans slip,Capes of China slide awayFrom her fingers into dayAnd th’Americas inclineCoasts towards her shadow line. Now the ragged vagrants creepInto crooked holes to sleep:Just and unjust, worst and best,Change their places…

Autumn Song

    Now the leaves are falling fast,    Nurse’s flowers will not last;    Nurses to the graves are gone,    And the prams go rolling on.     Whispering neighbours, left and right,    Pluck us from the…

Not, Father, Further Do Prolong

Not, Father, further do prolong Our necessary defeat;Spare us the numbing zero-hour, The desert-long retreat.Against Your direct light, displayed, Regardant, absolute,In person stubborn and oblique We set our maddened foot.These nissen huts, if hide we could Your eye inseeing from,Firm…