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Category Poets

Photography Extraordinary

The Milk-and-Water SchoolAlas! she would not hear my prayer!Yet it were rash to tear my hair;Disfigured, I should be less fair. She was unwise, I may say blind;Once she was lovingly inclined;Some circumstance has changed her mind. The Strong-Minded or Matter-of-Fact…

Phantasmagoria Canto VII (Sad Souvenaunce)

“WHAT’S this?” I pondered. “Have I slept?Or can I have been drinking?”But soon a gentler feeling creptUpon me, and I sat and weptAn hour or so, like winking. “No need for Bones to hurry so!”I sobbed. “In fact, I doubtIf…

Phantasmagoria Canto VI (Dyscomfyture)

As one who strives a hill to climb,Who never climbed before:Who finds it, in a little time,Grow every moment less sublime,And votes the thing a bore:Yet, having once begun to try,Dares not desert his quest,But, climbing, ever keeps his eyeOn…

Phantasmagoria Canto V (Byckerment)

“Don’t they consult the ‘Victims,’ though?”I said. “They should, by rights,Give them a chance—because, you know,The tastes of people differ so,Especially in Sprites.” The Phantom shook his head and smiled.“Consult them? Not a bit!‘Twould be a job to drive one…

Phantasmagoria Canto IV (Hys Nouryture)

“Oh, when I was a little Ghost,A merry time had we!Each seated on his favourite post,We chumped and chawed the buttered toastThey gave us for our tea.” “That story is in print!” I cried.“Don’t say it’s not, becauseIt’s known as…

Phantasmagoria Canto III (Scarmoges)

“AND did you really walk,” said I,“On such a wretched night?I always fancied Ghosts could fly—If not exactly in the sky,Yet at a fairish height.” “It’s very well,” said he, “for KingsTo soar above the earth:But Phantoms often find that…

Phantasmagoria Canto II (Hys Fyve Rules)

“MY First—but don’t suppose,” he said,“I’m setting you a riddle—Is—if your Victim be in bed,Don’t touch the curtains at his head,But take them in the middle, “And wave them slowly in and out,While drawing them asunder;And in a minute’s time,…

Phantasmagoria Canto I (The Trystyng)

ONE winter night, at half-past nine,Cold, tired, and cross, and muddy,I had come home, too late to dine,And supper, with cigars and wine,Was waiting in the study. There was a strangeness in the room,And Something white and wavyWas standing near…

My Fancy

I painted her a gushing thing,With years about a score;I little thought to find they wereA least a dozen more;My fancy gave her eyes of blue,A curly auburn head:I came to find the blue a green,The auburn turned to red.…

My Fairy

I have a fairy by my sideWhich says I must not sleep,When once in pain I loudly criedIt said “You must not weep”If, full of mirth, I smile and grin,It says “You must not laugh”When once I wished to drink…