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Category Poets

I Know Someone

I know someone who kisses the waya flower opens, but more rapidly.Flowers are sweet. They haveshort, beatific lives. They offermuch pleasure. There isnothing in the world that can be saidagainst them.Sad, isn’t it, that all they can kissis the air.…

For Tom Shaw S.S.J.E. (1945–2014)

Where has this cold come from?“It comes from the death of your friend.”Will I always, from now on, be this cold?“No, it will diminish. But always it will be with you.”What is the reason for it?“Wasn’t your friendship always as…


When I moved from one house to anotherthere were many things I had no roomfor. What does one do? I rented a storagespace. And filled it. Years passed.Occasionally I went there and looked in,but nothing happened, not a singletwinge of…

Whistling Swans

Do you bow your head when you pray or do you look up into that blue space?Take your choice, prayers fly from all directions.And don’t worry about what language you use,God no doubt understands them all.Even when the swans are…

The World I Live In

I have refused to livelocked in the orderly house of reasons and proofs.The world I live in and believe inis wider than that. And anyway, what’s wrong with Maybe?You wouldn’t believe what once ortwice I have seen. I’ll just tell…


This morning the redbirds’ eggshave hatched and already the chicksare chirping for food. They don’tknow where it’s coming from, theyjust keep shouting, “More! More!”As to anything else, they haven’thad a single thought. Their eyeshaven’t yet opened, they know nothingabout the…

I Wake Close to Morning

Why do people keep asking to see God’s identity paperswhen the darkness opening into morning is more than enough?Certainly any god might turn away in disgust.Think of Sheba approaching the kingdom of Solomon.Do you think she had to ask, “Is…

Epilogue for a Masque of Purcell

Beast and bird must bow aside,Grimbald limp into the wings.All that’s lovely and absurd,All that dances, all that sings Folded into trunks again—The haunted grove, the starlit air—All turns workaday and plain,Even the happy, happy pair. Harpsichord and trumpet goTrundling…

The Prospect

You promise me when certain things are doneWe’ll close these rooms above a city square,And stealing out by half-light, will be goneWhen next the telephone breaks the waiting air.Before they send to find us, we shall beAboard a blunt-nosed steamer,…

The Wild Sky

Here from the corridor of an English train,I see the landscape slide through glancing rain,A land so personal that every leafUnfolds as if to witness human life,And every aging milestone seems to knowThat human hands inscribed it, long ago. Oasthouse…