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Category Poets

Winter at Herring Cove

Years ago,in the bottle-green lightof the cold January sea, two sealssuddenly appeared togetherin a single uplifting wave— each in exactly the same relaxed position—each, like a large, black comma,upright and staring; it was like a paintingdone twiceand, twice, tenderly. The…

The Loon

Not quite four a.m., when the rapture of being alivestrikes me from sleep, and I risefrom the comfortable bed and goto another room, where my books are lined upin their neat and colorful rows. Howmagical they are! I choose oneand…

Summer Poem

Leaving the house,I went out to see the frog, for example,in her shining green skin; and her eggslike a slippery veil; and her eyeswith their golden rims; and the pondwith its risen lilies; and its warmed shoresdotted with pink flowers;…


I had no time to haul out allthe dead stuff so it hung, limpor dry, wherever the wind swung it over or down or across. All summerit stayed that way, untrimmed, andthickened. The paths grewdamp and uncomfortable and mossy untilnobody…


He picks his pond, and the soft thicket of his world.He bids his lady come, and she does, flirting with her tail.He begins early, and makes up his song as he goes.He does not enter a house at night, or…


All day the flickerhas anticipatedthe lust of the season, byshouting. He scouts uptree after tree and ata certain place beginsto cry out. My, in hisblack-freckled vest, bay body withred trim and sudden chromeunderwings, he isdapper. Of course somebodylistening nearbyhears him;…

The Dipper

Once I sawin a quick-falling, white-veined stream,among the leafed islands of the wet rocks,a small bird, and knew it from the pages of a book; it wasthe dipper, and dipping he was,as well as, sometimes, on a rock-peak, starting upthe…

Carrying the Snake to the Garden

In the cellarwas the smallest snakeI have ever seen.It coiled itselfin a cornerand watched mewith eyeslike two little starsset into coal,and a tailthat quivered.One stepof my footand it fledlike a running shoelace,but a scoop of the wristand I had itin…

Softest of Mornings

Softest of mornings, hello.And what will you do today, I wonder, to my heart?And how much honey can the heart stand, I wonder, before it must break?This is trivial, or nothing: a snail climbing a trellis of leaves and the…