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Category Poets

The Kitten

More amazed than anythingI took the perfectly blackstillborn kittenwith the one large eyein the center of its small foreheadfrom the house cat’s bedand buried it in a fieldbehind the house. I suppose I could have given itto a museum,I could…


When the blackberries hangswollen in the woods, in the bramblesnobody owns, I spend all day among the highbranches, reachingmy ripped arms, thinking of nothing, crammingthe black honey of summerinto my mouth; all day my body accepts what it is. In…

The Sunflowers

Come with me into the field of sunflowers. Their faces are burnished disks, their dry spinescreak like ship masts, their green leaves, so heavy and many, fill all day with the stickysugars of the sun. Come with me to visit…

1945–1985: Poem for the Anniversary

Sometimes,walking for hours through the woods,I don’t know what I’m looking for,maybe for somethingshy and beautiful to comefrisking out of the undergrowth. Once a fawn did just that.My dog didn’t knowwhat dogs usually do.And the fawn didn’t know. As for…

Black Snakes

Suddenlythere I wason the warm rocks—fearlike a malletslung againstmetal—it wasthat sudden,that loud,though in truththere was no sound, onlythe rough wing of frightrushingthrough our bodies.One flowedunder the leaves, the other flaredhalf its lengthinto the airagainst my body, then swirledaway. Once I…

Two Kinds of Deliverance

1.Last night the geese came back,slanting fastfrom the blossom of the rising moon downto the black pond. A muskratswimming in the twilight saw them and hurriedto the secret lodges to tell everyonespring had come.And so it had.By morning when I…


The spirit likes to dress up like this: ten fingers, ten toes,shoulders, and all the rest at night in the black branches, in the morningin the blue branches of the world. It could float, of course, but would ratherplumb rough…

The Journey

One day you finally knewwhat you had to do, and began,though the voices around youkept shoutingtheir bad advice—though the whole housebegan to trembleand you felt the old tugat your ankles.“Mend my life!”each voice cried.But you didn’t stop.You knew what you…


Everyone knows the great energies running amok castterrible shadows, that each of the so-calledsenseless acts has its thread loopingback through the world and into a human heart. And meanwhilethe gold-trimmed thunderwanders the sky; the rivermay be filling the cellars of…

Wild Geese

You do not have to be good.You do not have to walk on your kneesfor a hundred miles through the desert repenting.You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.Tell me about despair, yours,…