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Category Poets

Hymn to Aristogeiton and Harmodius

Wreathed in myrtle, my sword I’ll conceal Like those champions devoted and brave, When they plunged in the tyrant their steel, And to Athens deliverance gave.   Beloved heroes! your deathless souls roam In the joy breathing isles of the…


At morn- at noon- at twilight dim- Maria! thou hast heard my hymn! In joy and woe- in good and ill- Mother of God, be with me still! When the hours flew brightly by, And not a cloud obscured the…

For Annie

That my room it is gloomy And narrow my bed; For man never slept In a different bed- And, to sleep, you must slumber In just such a bed.   My tantalized spirit Here blandly reposes, Forgetting, or never Regretting…


Dim vales—and shadowy floods—And cloudy-looking woods,Whose forms we can’t discoverFor the tears that drip all over!Huge moons there wax and wane—Again—again—again—Every moment of the night—Forever changing places—And they put out the star-lightWith the breath from their pale faces.About twelve by…

Eureka – A Prose Poem

EUREKA:   AN ESSAY ON THE MATERIAL AND SPIRITUAL UNIVERSE   IT is with humility really unassumed -–it is with a sentiment even of awe -–that I pen the opening sentence of this work: for of all conceivable subjects I…


I dwelt alone In a world of moan, And my soul was a stagnant tide, Till the fair and gentle Eulalie became my blushing bride- Till the yellow-haired young Eulalie became my smiling bride.   Ah, less- less bright The…

Epigram for Wall Street

I’ll tell you a plan for gaining wealth, Better than banking, trade or leases — Take a bank note and fold it up, And then you will find your money in creases! This wonderful plan, without danger or loss, Keeps…


The noblest name in Allegory’s page, The hand that traced inexorable rage; A pleasing moralist whose page refined, Displays the deepest knowledge of the mind; A tender poet of a foreign tongue, (Indited in the language that he sung.) A…


Elizabeth, it surely is most fit [Logic and common usage so commanding] In thy own book that first thy name be writ, Zeno and other sages notwithstanding; And I have other reasons for so doing Besides my innate love of…

The Conqueror Worm

Lo! ’tis a gala night Within the lonesome latter years! An angel throng, bewinged, bedight In veils, and drowned in tears, Sit in a theatre, to see A play of hopes and fears, While the orchestra breathes fitfully The music…