The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poets

A doubt if it be Us

A doubt if it be Us Assists the staggering Mind In an extremer Anguish Until it footing find.   An Unreality is lent, A merciful Mirage That makes the living possible While it suspends the lives.

A door just opened on a street

A door just opened on a street– I, lost, was passing by– An instant’s width of warmth disclosed And wealth, and company.   The door as sudden shut, and I, I, lost, was passing by,– Lost doubly, but by contrast…

A Day! Help! Help! Another Day!

A Day! Help! Help! Another Day! Your prayers, oh Passer by! From such a common ball as this Might date a Victory! From marshallings as simple The flags of nations swang. Steady—my soul: What issues Upon thine arrow hang!

A Clock Stopped — Not The Mantel’s

A clock stopped — not the mantel’s Geneva’s farthest skill Can’t put the puppet bowing That just now dangled still.   An awe came on the trinket! The figures hunched with pain, Then quivered out of decimals Into degreeless noon.…

A Burdock—clawed my Gown

A Burdock–clawed my Gown— Not Burdock’s–blame— But mine— Who went too near The Burdock’s Den—   A Bog–affronts my shoe— What else have Bogs–to do— The only Trade they know— The splashing Men! Ah, pity—then!   ‘Tis Minnows can despise!…

‘Twould ease—a Butterfly

‘Twould ease–a Butterfly— Elate–a Bee— Thou’rt neither— Neither–thy capacity—   But, Blossom, were I, I would rather be Thy moment Than a Bee’s Eternity—   Content of fading Is enough for me— Fade I unto Divinity—   And Dying–Lifetime— Ample…

‘Twas warm–at first—like Us

‘Twas warm–at first–like Us— Until there crept upon A Chill–like frost upon a Glass— Till all the scene—be gone.   The Forehead copied Stone— The Fingers grew too cold To ache–and like a Skater’s Brook— The busy eyes–congealed—   It…

‘Twas the old—road—through pain

‘Twas the old–road—through pain— That unfrequented—one— With many a turn–and thorn— That stops–at Heaven—   This–was the Town–she passed— There–where she–rested–last— Then–stepped more fast— The little tracks–close prest— Then–not so swift— Slow–slow–as feet did weary–grow— Then–stopped—no other track!   Wait!…