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Category Poets

Did Our Best Moment last

Did Our Best Moment last— ‘Twould supersede the Heaven— A few—and they by Risk—procure— So this Sort—are not given—   Except as stimulants—in Cases of Despair— Or Stupor—The Reserve— These Heavenly Moments are—   A Grant of the Divine— That…

Despair’s advantage is achieved

Despair’s advantage is achieved By suffering—Despair— To be assisted of Reverse One must Reverse have bore—   The Worthiness of Suffering like The Worthiness of Death Is ascertained by tasting—   As can no other Mouth   Of Savors—make us…

Deprived of other Banquet

Deprived of other Banquet, I entertained Myself— At first—a scant nutrition— An insufficient Loaf—   But grown by slender addings To so esteemed a size ‘Tis sumptuous enough for me— And almost to suffice   A Robin’s famine able— Red…

Departed to the judgment

Departed to the judgment, A mighty afternoon; Great clouds like ushers leaning, Creation looking on.   The flesh surrendered, cancelled The bodiless begun; Two worlds, like audiences, disperse And leave the soul alone.

Denial—is the only fact

Denial—is the only fact Perceived by the Denied— Whose Will—a numb significance— The Day the Heaven died—   And all the Earth strove common round— Without Delight, or Beam— What Comfort was it Wisdom—was— The spoiler of Our Home?

Delight is as the flight

Delight is as the flight— Or in the Ratio of it, As the Schools would say— The Rainbow’s way— A Skein Flung colored, after Rain, Would suit as bright, Except that flight Were Aliment—   “If it would last” I…

Delight becomes pictorial

Delight becomes pictorial When viewed through pain,– More fair, because impossible That any gain.   The mountain at a given distance In amber lies; Approached, the amber flits a little,– And that’s the skies!

Delayed till she had ceased to know

Delayed till she had ceased to know— Delayed till in its vest of snow Her loving bosom lay— An hour behind the fleeting breath— Later by just an hour than Death— Oh lagging Yesterday!   Could she have guessed that…

Death sets a Thing significant

Death sets a Thing significantThe Eye had hurried byExcept a perished CreatureEntreat us tenderly To ponder little WorkmanshipsIn Crayon, or in Wool,With “This was last Her fingers did”—Industrious until— The Thimble weighed too heavy—The stitches stopped—by themselves—And then ’twas put…