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Category Poets

One Life of so much Consequence!

One Life of so much Consequence! Yet I—for it—would pay— My Soul’s entire income— In ceaseless—salary— One Pearl—to me—so signal— That I would instant dive— Although—I knew—to take it— Would cost me—just a life! The Sea is full—I know it!…

One dignity delays for all

One dignity delays for all— One mitred Afternoon— None can avoid this purple— None evade this Crown! Coach, it insures, and footmen— Chamber, and state, and throng— Bells, also, in the village As we ride grand along! What dignified Attendants!…

One Day is there of the Series

One Day is there of the Series Termed Thanksgiving Day. Celebrated part at Table Part in Memory. Neither Patriarch nor Pussy I dissect the Play Seems it to my Hooded thinking Reflex Holiday. Had there been no sharp Subtraction From…

One Crucifixion is recorded—only

One Crucifixion is recorded—only— How many be Is not affirmed of Mathematics— Or History— One Calvary—exhibited to Stranger— As many be As persons—or Peninsulas— Gethsemane— Is but a Province—in the Being’s Centre— Judea— For Journey—or Crusade’s Achieving— Too near— Our…

One Blessing had I than the rest

One Blessing had I than the rest So larger to my Eyes That I stopped gauging—satisfied— For this enchanted size— It was the limit of my Dream— The focus of my Prayer— A perfect—paralyzing Bliss— Contented as Despair— I knew…

One Anguish—in a Crowd

One Anguish—in a Crowd— A Minor thing—it sounds— And yet, unto the single Doe Attempted of the Hounds ‘Tis Terror as consummate As Legions of Alarm Did leap, full flanked, upon the Host— ‘Tis Units—make the Swarm— A Small Leech—on…

One and One—are One


One and One—are One— Two—be finished using— Well enough for Schools— But for Minor Choosing— Life—just—or Death— Or the Everlasting— More—would be too vast For the Soul’s Comprising—

Once more, my now bewildered Dove


Once more, my now bewildered Dove Bestirs her puzzled wings Once more her mistress, on the deep Her troubled question flings— Thrice to the floating casement The Patriarch’s bird returned, Courage! My brave Columba! There may yet be Land!

On this wondrous sea

On this wondrous sea Sailing silently, Ho! Pilot, ho! Knowest thou the shore Where no breakers roar— Where the storm is o’er? In the peaceful west Many the sails at rest— The anchors fast— Thither I pilot thee— Land Ho!…

On this long storm the Rainbow rose

On this long storm the Rainbow rose— On this late Morn—the Sun— The clouds—like listless Elephants— Horizons—straggled down— The Birds rose smiling, in their nests— The gales—indeed—were done— Alas, how heedless were the eyes— On whom the summer shone! The…