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Category Poets

Bouts-Rimés Sonnets V.

I sought among the living, and I seekAmong the dead, for some to love ; but fewI found at last, and those had quite run throughTheir store of love; and friendship is too weak,Too cold for me ; yet will…

Bouts-Rimés Sonnets IV.

I said within myself: “I am a foolTo sigh ever for that which being goneCannot return: the sun shines as it shone ;Rejoice.”—But who can be made glad by rule?My heart and soul and spirit are no toolTo play with…

Bouts-Rimés Sonnets III.

Wouldst thou give me a heavy jewelled crownAnd purple mantle and embroidered vest?Dear Child, the colours of the glorious WestAre far more gorgeous when the sun sinks down.The diadem would only make me frownWith its own weight ; nay give…

Bouts-Rimés Sonnets II.

I sit among green shady valleys oft, Listening to echo-winds sighing of woe; The grass and flowers are strong and sweet below;Yea I am tired, and the smooth turf is soft.I sit and think, and never look aloft, Save to…

Bouts-Rimés Sonnets I.

A mid the shades of a deserted hall I stand and think on much that hath been lost. How long it is since other step has crostThis time-worn floor! This tapestry is allWorm-eaten ; and these columns rise up tall…

Lady Montrevor

I do not look for love that is a dream— I only seek for courage to be still; To bear my grief with an unbending will,And when I am a-weary not to seem.Let the round world roll on; let the…


She sat alway thro’ the long daySpinning the weary thread away;And ever said in undertone:‘Come, that I be no more alone.’From early dawn to set of sunWorking, her task was still undone;And the long thread seemed to increaseEven while she…