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Category Poets

After the Sea-Ship

AFTER the sea-ship, after the whistling winds, After the white-gray sails taut to their spars and ropes, Below, a myriad myriad waves hastening, lifting up their necks, Tending in ceaseless flow toward the track of the ship, Waves of the ocean…

After the Dazzle of Day

After the dazzle of day is gone, Only the dark, dark night shows to my eyes the stars; After the clangor of organ majestic, or chorus, or perfect band, Silent, athwart my soul, moves the symphony true.

Adieu to a Soldier

ADIEU O soldier, You of the rude campaigning, (which we shared,) The rapid march, the life of the camp, The hot contention of opposing fronts, the long manoeuvre, Red battles with their slaughter, the stimulus, the strong terrific game, Spell of…

Aboard at a Ship’s Helm

ABOARD at a ship’s helm, A young steersman steering with care.   Through fog on a sea-coast dolefully ringing, An ocean-bell—O a warning bell, rock’d by the waves.   O you give good notice indeed, you bell by the sea-reefs ringing,…

A Woman Waits for Me

A woman waits for me, she contains all, nothing is lacking, Yet all were lacking if sex were lacking, or if the moisture of the right man were lacking. Sex contains all, bodies, souls, Meanings, proofs, purities, delicacies, results, promulgations,…

A Voice from Death

(The Johnstown, Penn., cataclysm, May 31, 1889.)   A VOICE from Death, solemn and strange, in all his sweep and power, With sudden, indescribable blow—towns drown’d—humanity by thousands slain, The vaunted work of thrift, goods, dwellings, forge, street, iron bridge, Dash’d pell-mell…

A Twilight Song

AS I sit in twilight late alone by the flickering oak-flame, Musing on long-pass’d war-scenes—of the countless buried un- known soldiers, Of the vacant names, as unindented air’s and sea’s—the un- return’d, The brief truce after battle, with grim burial-squads, and…

A Song of the Rolling Earth

1   A SONG of the rolling earth, and of words according, Were you thinking that those were the words, those upright lines? those curves, angles, dots? No, those are not the words, the substantial words are in the ground and sea,…

A Song of Joys

O TO make the most jubilant song! Full of music—full of manhood, womanhood, infancy! Full of common employments—full of grain and trees.   O for the voices of animals—O for the swiftness and balance of fishes! O for the dropping of raindrops…