The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poets

In an Artist’s Studio

One face looks out from all his canvases,One selfsame figure sits or walks or leans:We found her hidden just behind those screens,That mirror gave back all her loveliness.A queen in opal or in ruby dress,A nameless girl in freshest summer-greens,A…

A Triad

Three sang of love together: one with lips Crimson, with cheeks and bosom in a glow,Flushed to the yellow hair and finger-tips; And one there sang who soft and smooth as snow Bloomed like a tinted hyacinth at a show;And…

Winter, Sweet blackbird is silenced

Sweet blackbird is silenced with chaffinch and thrush,Only waistcoated robin still chirps in the bush:Soft sun-loving swallows have mustered in force,And winged to the spice-teaming southlands their course. Plump housekeeper dormouse has tucked himself neat,Just a brown ball in moss…

Light Love

‘Oh, sad thy lot before I came, But sadder when I go;My presence but a flash of flame, A transitory glow Between two barren wastes like snow.What wilt thou do when I am gone, Where wilt thou rest, my dear?For…

Gone Before

She was most like a rose when it flushes rarest,She was most like a lily when it blows fairest,She was most like a violet sweetest on the bank :Now she’s only like the snow, cold and blank, After the sun…

A Bed of Forget-Me-Nots

Is Love so prone to change and rotWe are fain to rear Forget-me-notBy measure in a garden-plot?— I love its growth at large and freeBy untrod path and unlopped tree,Or nodding by the unpruned hedge,Or on the water’s dangerous edgeWhere…


Sleep, unforgotten sorrow, sleep awhile :Make even awhile as though I might forget;Let the wound staunch thy tedious fingersTill once again I look abroad and smile,Warmed in the sunlight : let no tears defileThis hour’s content, no conscious thorns besetMy…

In the Lane

When my love came home to me,Pleasant summer bringing,Every tree was out in leaf,Every bird was singing. There I met her in the laneBy those waters gleamy,Met her toward the fall of day,Warm and dear and dreamy.Did I loiter in…

Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work

I saw a bird alone,In its nest it sat alone,For its mate was dead or flownThough it was early Spring.Hard by were buds half-blown,With cornfields freshly sown:It could only perch and moanThat used to sing:Droop in sorrow left alone:A sad…