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Category Poets

The Unexpress’d

How dare one say it? After the cycles, poems, singers, plays, Vaunted Ionia’s, India’s -Homer, Shakespeare -the long, long times, thick dotted roads, areas, The shining clusters and the Milky Ways of stars -Nature’s pulses reaped, All retrospective passions, heroes,…

The Torch

ON my Northwest coast in the midst of the night a fishermen’s group stands watching, Out on the lake that expands before them, others are spearing salmon, The canoe, a dim shadowy thing, moves across the black water, Bearing a torch…

The Sleepers

1 I wander all night in my vision, Stepping with light feet, swiftly and noiselessly stepping and stopping, Bending with open eyes over the shut eyes of sleepers, Wandering and confused, lost to myself, ill-assorted, contradictory, Pausing, gazing, bending, and…

The Singer in the Prison

1 O sight of pity, shame and dole! O fearful thought—a convict soul. RANG the refrain along the hall, the prison, Rose to the roof, the vaults of heaven above, Pouring in floods of melody in tones so pensive sweet and…

The Ship Starting

LO, the unbounded sea, On its breast a ship starting, spreading all sails, carrying even her moonsails, The pennant is flying aloft as she speeds she speeds so stately— below emulous waves press forward, They surround the ship with shining…

The Runner

ON a flat road runs the well-train’d runner; He is lean and sinewy, with muscular legs; He is thinly clothed—he leans forward as he runs, With lightly closed fists, and arms partially rais’d.

The Return of the Heroes

1   FOR the lands and for these passionate days and for myself, Now I awhile retire to thee O soil of autumn fields, Reclining on thy breast, giving myself to thee, Answering the pulses of thy sane and equable heart,…

The Prairie-Grass Dividing

THE prairie-grass dividing—its special odor breathing, I demand of it the spiritual corresponding, Demand the most copious and close companionship of men, Demand the blades to rise of words, acts, beings, Those of the open atmosphere, coarse, sunlit, fresh, nutritious, Those…

The Prairie States

A NEWER garden of creation, no primal solitude, Dense, joyous, modern, populous millions, cities and farms, With iron interlaced, composite, tied, many in one, By all the world contributed—freedom’s and law’s and thrift’s society, The crown and teeming paradise, so far, of…