The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poets

En Route

1Life flows down to death: we cannot bind That current that it should not flee:Life flows down to death, as rivers find The inevitable sea. 2Wherefore art thou strange, and not my mother?Thou hast stolen my heart and broken it:Would…

If I Had Words

If I had words, if I had wordsAt least to vent my misery:—But muter than the speechless herdsI have no voice wherewith to cry.I have no strength to life my hands,I have no heart to lift mine eye,My soul is…

A Sketch

The blindest buzzard that I know Does not wear wings to spread and stir; Nor does my special mole wear fur,And grub among the roots below: He sports a tail indeed, but then It’s to a coat : he’s man…

Under Willows

Under willows among the gravesOne was walking, ah welladay!Where each willow her green boughs waves,Come April prime, come May.Under willows among the gravesShe met her lost love, ah welladay!Where in Autumn each wild wind ravesAnd whirls sere leaves away. He…


If we shall live, we live:If we shall die, we die:If we live we shall meet again: But to-night, good-bye.One word, let but one be heard— What, not one word?If we sleep we shall wake again And see to-morrow’s light:If…


“There’s little sunshine in my heart, A Slack to spring, lead to sink:There’s little sunshine in the world, I think.””There’s glow of sunshine in my heart (Cool wind, cool the glow):There’s flood of sunshine in the world, I know.”Now if…


If he would come to-day, to-day, to-day, O, what a day to-day would be!But now he’s away, miles and miles away From me across the sea.O little bird, flying, flying, flying To your nest in the warm west,Tell him as…

Last Night

Where were you last night? I watched at the gate;I went down early, I stayed down late. Were you snug at home, I should like to know,Or were you in the coppice wheedling Kate?She’s a fine girl, with a fine…


What shall we do with Margery?She lies and cries upon her bed,All lily-pale from foot to head,Her heart is sore as sore can be;Poor guileless shamefaced Margery. A foolish girl, to love a manAnd let him know she loved him…


Where my heart is (wherever that may be)Might I but follow!If you fly thither over lane and leaO honey-seeking bee,O careless swallow,Bid some for whom I watch keep watch for me. Alas that we must dwell, my heart and I,So…