The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poets

Two or Three Posies

Two or three posies With two or three simples Two or three noses With two or three pimples — Two or three wise men And two or three ninnies — Two or three purses And two or three guineas —…

An Extempore

A Little Extempore When they were come into Faery’s Court They rang — no one at home — all gone to sport And dance and kiss and love as faerys do For Faries be as human lovers true — Amid…

A Prophecy: To George Keats in America

’Tis the witching time of night, Orbed is the moon and bright, And the Stars they glisten, glisten, Seeming with bright eyes to listen. For what listen they? For a song and for a charm, See they glisten in alarm,…

Sharing Eve’s Apple

1. O Blush not so! O blush not so! Or I shall think you knowing; And if you smile the blushing while, Then maidenheads are going. 2. There’s a blush for want, and a blush for shan’t, And a blush…

Meantime he sent a fluttering embassy

Meantime he sent a fluttering embassy To Pigmio, of Imaus sovereign, To half beg, and half demand, respectfully, The hand of his fair daughter Bellanaine; An audience had, and speeching done, they gain Their point, and bring the weeping bride…

Which seeing, his high court of parliament

Which seeing, his high court of parliament Laid a remonstrance at his Highness’ feet, Praying his royal senses to content Themselves with what in faery land was sweet. Befitting best that shade with shade should meet Whereat, to calm their…

This was a crime forbidden by the law;

This was a crime forbidden by the law; And all the priesthood of his city wept. For ruin and dismay they well foresaw. If impious prince no bound or limit kept. And faery Zendervester overstept; They wept, he sinn’d, and…

In midmost Ind, beside Hydaspes cool,

In midmost Ind, beside Hydaspes cool, There stood, or hover’d, tremulous in the air, A faery city, ‘neath the potent rule Of Emperor Elfinan ; fam’d ev’rywhere For love of mortal women, maidens fair. Whose lips were solid, whose soft…