The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Poets

Minnie and Mattie

Minnie and Mattie And fat little May,Out in the country, Spending a day.Such a bright day, With the sun glowing,And the trees half in leaf, And the grass growing.Pinky white pigling Squeals through his snout,Woolly white lambkin Frisks all about.Cluck!…

Amor Mundi

“Oh where are you going with your love-locks flowing On the west wind blowing along this valley track?”“The downhill path is easy, come with me an it please ye, We shall escape the uphill by never turning back.”So they two…


“While I sit at the doorSick to gaze withinMine eye weepeth soreFor sorrow and sin:As a tree my sin standsTo darken all lands;Death is the fruit it bore.”How have Eden bowers grownWithout Adam to bend them!How have Eden flowers blownSquandering…

Jessie Cameron

“Jessie, Jessie Cameron, Hear me but this once,” quoth he. “Good luck go with you, neighbour’s son, But I’m no mate for you,” quoth she. Day was verging toward the night There beside the moaning sea, Dimness overtook the light…

Songs in a Cornfield

A song in a cornfield Where corn begins to fall,Where reapers are reaping, Reaping one, reaping all.Sing pretty Lettice, Sing Rachel, sing May;Only Marian cannot sing While her sweetheart’s away.Where is he gone to And why does he stay?He came…

A Farm Walk

The year stood at its equinoxAnd bluff the North was blowing,A bleat of lambs came from the flocks,Green hardy things were growing;I met a maid with shining locksWhere milky kine were lowing. She wore a kerchief on her neck,Her bare…

The Poor Ghost

‘Oh whence do you come, my dear friend, to me,With your golden hair all fallen below your knee,And your face as white as snowdrops on the lea,And your voice as hollow as the hollow sea?’ ‘From the other world I…

A Bird’s-Eye View

‘Croak, croak, croak,’Thus the Raven spoke,Perched on his crooked treeAs hoarse as hoarse could be.Shun him and fear him,Lest the Bridegroom hear him;Scout him and rout himWith his ominous eye about him. Yet, ‘Croak, croak, croak,’Still tolled from the oak;From…


Long ago and long ago,And long ago still,There dwelt three merry maidensUpon a distant hill.One was tall Meggan,And one was dainty May,But one was fair Margaret,More fair than I can say,Long ago and long ago. When Meggan plucked the thorny…

A Royal Princess

I, a princess, king-descended, decked with jewels, gilded, drest,Would rather be a peasant with her baby at her breast,For all I shine so like the sun, and am purple like the west. Two and two my guards behind, two and…