The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Nazım Hikmet

Early Light

The telegraph poles in the early light, the road.The dresser mirror brightening, the table, slippers.Things recognize each other once again. In our room the early light unfolds like a sail, the cool air is diamond-blue.The stars pale—far away, pebbles bleach…

To Vera

A tree grows inside me—I brought it as a seedling from the sun.Its leaves quiver like fish, like flames,and its fruits sing like birds. Spacemen have already landedon the star inside me.They speak the language I heard in my dream:no…


One of the waitresses at Berlin’s Astoria Restaurant was a jewel of a girl.She’d smile at me across her heavy trays.She looked like the girls of the country I’ve lost.Sometimes she had dark circles under her eyes—I don’t know why.I…

The Icebreaker

The icebreaker leads the way, our boat shudders in its wake. I watch from my cabin porthole, the sea is frozen solid white. I come from Istanbul—I grew up by the warm, salt sea.We like our colors, light, and life…

This Journey

We open doors,close doors,pass through doors,and reach at the end of our only journey no city, no harbor—the train derails,the ship sinksthe plane crashes.The map is drawn on ice.But if I could begin this journey all over again, I would.

The Old Man on the Shore

deep mountains lined up in rowsthe pine forest reached to the seaon the shore an old man laystretched out on the pebble beach and this sun-ripe September daythe distant news of sunken shipsthe cool blue of the northeast breezecaressed the…


I don’t know if it was early morning late afternoonor maybe midnight I don’t knowwindows entered my room with curtains and without I like print curtainsbut there were lace curtains too and black shadesI ran them up and downtill some…

The Bees

The bees, like big drops of honey carrying grapevines to the sun, came flying out of my youth; the apples, these heavy apples, are also from my youth;the gold-dust road,these white pebbles in the stream,my faith in songs,my freedom from…

The Far South

This year, early fall in the far south, I steep myself in the sea, sand, and sun, in trees, in apples like honey.At night the air smells like ripening grain: the night sky descends on the hot dusty road, and…

Elegy for Mikhailk Refili

This is the leaf fall of my generation, most of us won’t make winter.I went crazy, Refili,when I got the news. . .What was I saying. . . Do you remember, Mikhail. . .But you don’t have any memory now,…