The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Nazım Hikmet

A Sad State of Freedom

You waste the attention of your eyes,the glittering labour of your hands,and knead the dough enough for dozens of loavesof which you’ll taste not a morsel;you are free to slave for others—you are free to make the rich richer. The…

Your Soul

Your soul is a river my sweetheart,flowing from up there, through the mountainstowards the plain,towards the plain but never reaching itnever reaching to join the willow trees in their sleep;never reaching the comfort of the wide arches of the bridges,…

The Walnut Tree

Foamlike clouds my head, the sea is me inside and out,a walnut tree I am, in Gülhane Park:an old walnut tree, gnarled and scarred.This, neither you notice, nor the police.I am a walnut tree in Gülhane Park.My leaves sparkle like…

Two Loves

Two loves can’t exist in one heart.What a lie—it happens all the time.Tonight in this cold, rainy cityI’m lying on my back in my hotel,staring at the ceiling.Cloud croos itslowly, like trucks passing on the wet asphalt,and far off to…

Today Is Sunday

Today is Sunday.Today, for the first time. they took me out into the sun and for the first time in my lifeI looked at the sky amazed that it was so far and so blue and so wide.I stood without…

To the Writers of Asia and Africa

Brothers and sisters,never mind my blond hair,I am an Asian;never mind my blue eyes,I am and African.The trees do not offer much shade in my country just as in yours; the bread is in the lion’s mouth, dragons sleep on…

The Strangest Creature on Earth

You’re like a scorpion, my brother,you live in cowardly darkness like a scorpion.You’re like a sparrow, my brother,always in a sparrow’s flutter.You’re like a clam, my brother,closed like a clam, content.And you’re scary, my brother, like the mouth of a…

The Little Girl

It’s I knocking on the doors,one by one, on every door.I can’t be seen to your eyesdead children can’t be seen. Some ten years have gone pastsince I died in Hiroshima.I’m still only seven-dead children don’t grow up. My hair…

The Great Humankind

The great humankind, deck passengers on the boats third class on the trains on foot on the highways the great humankind. The great humankind begins to work at the age of eight weds at twenty dies at forty the great…