The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.


Willie was a man without fame,Hardly anybody knew his name.Crippled and limping, always walking lame,He said, “I keep on movin’Movin’ just the same.” Solitude was the climate in his head,Emptiness was the partner in his bed,Pain echoed in the steps…

The Singer Will Not Sing

A benison given. Unused,no angels promised,wings fluttering banal liesbehind their sexlessness. Notrumpets gloriedprophecies of fabled fame.Yet harmonies waited inher stiff throat. New noteslay expectant on herstilled tongue. Her lips are ridged andfleshy. Purpled night birdssnuggled to rest.The mouth seamed, voiceless.Sounds…

Momma Welfare Roll

Her arms semaphore fat triangles,Pudgy hands bunched on layered hipsWhere bones idle under years of fatbackAnd lima beans. Her jowls shiver in accusationOf crimes cliched by Repetition.Her children, strangersTo childhood’s toys, playBest the games of darkened doorways,Rooftop tag, and know…

Lady Luncheon Club

Her counsel was accepted: the times are grave.A man was needed who would make them think,And pay him from the petty cash account. Our woman checked her golden watch,The speaker has a plane to catch.Dessert is served (and just in…

Through The Inner City To The Suburbs

Secured by sooted windowsAnd amazement, it isDelicious. Frosting filchedFrom a company cake. People. Black and fast. ScatteredWatermelon seeds onA summer street. Grinning inRitual, sassy in pomp. From a slow-moving trainThey are precious. Stolen gemsUnsaleable and dear. ThoseDusky undulations sweat of…

My Arkansas

There is a deep broodingin Arkansas.Old crimes like moss pendfrom poplar trees.The sullen earthis much toored for comfort. Sunrise seems to hesitateand in that secondlose itsincandescent aim, anddusk no more shadowsthan the noon.The past is brighter yet. Old hates andante-bellum…

California Prodigal

The eye follows, the landSlips upward, creases down, formsThe gentle buttocks of a youngGiant. In the nestle,Old adobe bricks, washed ofWhiteness, paled to umber,Await another century. Star Jasmine and old vinesLay claim upon the ghosted land,Then quiet pools whisperPrivate childhood…

The Lesson

I keep on dying again.Veins collapse, opening like theSmall fists of sleepingChildren.Memory of old tombs,Rotting flesh and worms doNot convince me againstThe challenge. The yearsAnd cold defeat live deep inLines along my face.They dull my eyes, yetI keep on dying,Because…

Junkie Monkey Reel

Shoulders sag,The pull of weighted needling.Arms drag, smacking wet in soft boneSockets. Knees thaw,Their familiar magic lost. Old bend andLock and bend forgot. Teeth rock in fetid gums.Eyes dart, die, then float inSimian juice. Brains reel,Master charts of old ideas…

Just for a Time

Oh how you used to walkWith that insouciant smileI liked to hear you talkAnd your stylePleased me for a while. You were my early loveNew as a day breaking in SpringYou were the image ofEverythingThat caused me to sing. I…