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Category Lord Byron

R. C. Dallas

Yes! wisdom shines in all his mien,Which would so captivate, I ween,       Wisdom’s own goddess Pallas;That she’d discard her fav’rite owl,And take for pet a brother fowl,       Sagacious R. C. Dallas.

Epitaph for Joseph Blacket, late Poet and Shoemaker

Stranger! behold, interred together,The souls of learning and of leather.Poor Joe is gone, but left his all:You’ll find his relics in a stall.His works were neat, and often foundWell stitched, and with morocco bound.Tread lightly—where the bard is laid—He cannot mend the shoe he made;Yet is…

Substitute For An Epitaph

Kind Reader! take your choice to cry or laugh;Here HAROLD lies, but where’s his Epitaph?If such you seek, try Westminster, and viewTen thousand just as fit for him as you.

My Epitaph

Youth, Nature, and relenting Jove,To keep my Lamp in strongly strove;But Romanelli was so stout,He beat all three, and blew it out.

Farewell Petition to J.C.H., Esq

O thou yclep’d by vulgar sons of MenCam Hobhouse! but by wags Byzantian Ben!Twin sacred titles, which combined appearTo grace thy volume’s front, and gild its rear,Since now thou put’st thyself and work to SeaAnd leav’st all Greece to Fletcher…

To Dives. A Fragment

Unhappy Dives! in an evil hour‘Gainst Nature’s voice seduced to deeds accurst!Once Fortune’s minion, now thou feel’st her power;Wrath’s vial on thy lofty head bath burst.In Wit, in Genius, as in Wealth the first,How wondrous bright thy blooming morn arose!But…

Ossian’s Address to the Sun in “Carthon”

Oh! thou that roll’st above thy glorious Fire,Round as the shield which grac’d my godlike Sire,Whence are the beams, O Sun! thy endless blaze,Which far eclipse each minor Glory’s rays?Forth in thy Beauty here thou deign’st to shine!Night quits her…