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Category Lord Byron

Condolatory Address

TO SARAH COUNTESS OF JERSEY, ON THE PRINCE REGENT’S RETURNING HER PICTURE TO MRS. MEE. When the vain triumph of the imperial lord,Whom servile Rome obeyed, and yet abhorred,Gave to the vulgar gaze each glorious bust,That left a likeness of the…

Ich Dien

From this emblem what variance your motto evinces,For the Man is his country’s—the Arms are the Prince’s!

Windsor Poetics

⁓Lines Composed On The Occasion Of His Royal Highness The Prince Regent Being Seen Standing Between The Coffins Of Henry VIII And Charles I, In The Royal Vault At Windsor⁓ Famed for contemptuous breach of sacred ties,By headless Charles see…

The Devil’s Drive

1. The Devil returned to Hell by two,      And he stayed at home till five;When he dined on some homicides done in ragoût,      And a rebel or so in an Irish stew,And sausages made of a self-slain Jew,And bethought himself…

To Lord Thurlow

‘I lay my branch of laurel down.Then thus to form Apollo’s crown.Let every other bring his own.’~Lord Thurlow’s lines to Mr. Rogers ‘I lay my branch of laurel down.’Thou ‘lay thy branch of laurel down!’Why, what thou’st stole is not…

On Lord Thurlow’s Poems

When Thurlow this damn’d nonsense sent(I hope I am not violent),Nor men nor gods knew what he meant. And since not even our Rogers’ praiseTo common sense his thoughts could raise–Why would they let him print his lays’ To me,…

La Revanche

1. There is no more for me to hope,     There is no more for thee to fear;And, if I give my Sorrow scope,     That Sorrow thou shalt never hear.     Why did I hold thy love so dear?   …

To the Honble. Mrs. George Lamb

1. The sacred song that on mine ear       Yet vibrates from that voice of thine,I heard, before, from one so dear—       ‘T is strange it still appears divine. 2. But, oh! so sweet that look and tone       To…

An Ode to the Framers of the Frame Bill

Oh well done Lord E—–n! and better Lord R—–r! Britannia must prosper with councils like yours;HAWKESBURY, HARROWBY, help you to guide her, Whose remedy only must kill ere it cures:Those villains, the Weavers, are all grown refractory, Asking some succour for Charity’s…