The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Lord Byron

To Mary, On Receiving Her Picture

This faint resemblance of thy charms,(Though strong as mortal art could give,)My constant heart of fear disarms,Revives my hopes, and bids me live. Here, I can trace the locks of goldWhich round thy snowy forehead wave;The cheeks which sprung from…

Thoughts Suggested By A College Examination

High in the midst, surrounded by his peers,“Magnus” his ample front sublime up rears:Placed on his chair of state, he seems a god.While Sophs and Freshmen tremble at his nod.As all around sit wrapt in speechless gloom,His voice in thunder…

A Fragment: When, To Their Airy Hall

When, to their airy hall, my father’s voiceShall call my spirit, joyful in their choice;When, poised upon the gale, my form shall ride,Or, dark in mist, descend the mountains side;Oh! may my shade behold no sculptured urns,To mark the spot…

Epitaph On a Beloved Friend

Oh, Friend! for ever loved, for ever dear!What fruitless tears have bathed thy honour’d bier!What sighs re’echo’d to thy parting breath,Wilst thou wast struggling in the pangs of death!Could tears retard the tyrant in his course;Could sighs avert his dart’s…

On A Change Of Masters At A Great Public School

Where are those honours, Ida! once yow own,When Probus fill’d your magisterial throne?As ancient Rome, fast falling to disgrace,Hail’d a barbarian in her Cæsar’s place,So you, degenerate, share as hard a fate,And seat Pomposus where your Probus sate.Of narrow brain,…

Answer To The Foregoing, Addressed To Miss—

Dear simple girl, those flattering arts,(From which thou’dst guard frail female hearts,)Exist but in imagination,Mere phantoms of thine own creation;For he who views that witching grace,That perfect form, that lovely face,With eyes admiring, oh! believe me,He never wishes to deceive…