The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Lord Byron

To Edward Noel Long, Esq.

‘Nil ego contulerim jucundo sanus amico.’~Horace.Dear Long, in this sequester’d scene,While all around in slumber lie,The joyous days, which ours have beenCome rolling fresh on Fancy’s eye;Thus, if, amidst the gathering storm,While clouds the darken’d noon deform,Yon heaven assumes a…

The Death Of Calmar And Orla

An Imitation Of Macpherson’s “Ossian”. Dear are the days of youth! Age dwells on their remembrancethrough the mist of time. In the twilight he recalls thesunny hours of morn. He lifts his spear with trembling hand.“Not thus feebly did I…

To Romance

Parent of golden dreams, Romance!Auspicious Queen of childish joys,Who lead’st along, in airy dance,Thy votive train of girls and boys;At length, in spells no longer bound,I break the fetters of my youth;No more I tread thy mystic round,But leave thy…

Lachin y Gair

Away, ye gay landscapes, ye garden of roses!In you let the minions of luxury rove;Restore me to the rocks, where the snowflake reposes,Though still they are sacred to freedom and love:Yet, Caledonia, beloved are thy mountains,Round their white summits though…

Translation From The Medea Of Euripides

[LI. 627-660] When fierce conflicting urgeThe breast where love is wont to glow,What mind can stem the stormy surgeWhich rolls the tide of human woe?The hope of praise, the dread of shame,Can rouse the tortured breast no more;The wild desire,…

The Episode Of Nisus And Euryalus

A Paraphrase From The “Æneid,” LIB. 9. Nisus, the guardian of the portal stood,Eager to gild his arms with hostile bloodWell skill’d in fight the quivering lance to wield,Or pour his arrow, through th’ embattled field:From Ida ton’ he left…

From Anacreon, ODE 3.

    ‘Twas now the hour when Night had driven    Her car half round yon sable heaven;    Botes, only, seem’d to roll    His Arctic charge around the Pole;    While mortals, lost in gentle sleep,    Forgot to smile, or ceas’d to weep:    At this lone hour the Paphian boy,    Descending…

Translation from Anacreon, ODE I.

To His Lyre. I wish to tune my quivering lyre,To deeds of fame, and notes of fire;To echo, from its rising swell,How heroes fought and nations fell,When Atreus’ sons advanc’d to war,Or Tyrian Cadmus rov’d afar;But still, to martial strains unknown,My…

Oscar Of Alva: A Tale

How sweetly shines through azure skies,The lamp of heaven on Lora’s shore;Where Alva’s hoary turrets rise,And hear the din of arms no more! But often has yon rolling moonOn Alva’s casques of silver play’d;And view’d at midnight’s silent noon,Her chief’s…

To Marion

Marion! why that pensive brow?What disgust to life hast thou?Change that discontented air;Frowns become not one so fair.‘Tis not love disturbs thy rest,Love’s a stranger to thy breast;He in dimpling smiles appears,Or mourns in weedy timid tears’Or bends the languid…