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Category Lord Byron

Stanzas To Jessy

There is a mystic thread of life      So dearly wreath’d with mine alone,That Destiny’s relentless knife      At once must sever both, or none. There is a Form on which these eyes      Have fondly gazed…

A Woman’s Hair

Oh! little lock of golden hue     In gently waving ringlet curl’d,By the dear head on which you grew,     I would not lose you for a world. Not though a thousand more adorn     The polished brow where once you…

Pignus Amoris

As by the fix’d decrees of Heaven,’Tis vain to hope that Joy can last;The dearest boon that Life has given,To me is—visions of the past. For these this toy of blushing hue  I prize with zeal before unknown,It tells me of…

A Version of Ossian’s Address to the Sun

O Thou! who rollest in yon azure field,Round as the orb of my forefather’s shield,Whence are thy beams? From what eternal storeDost thou, O Sun! thy vast effulgence pour?In awful grandeur, when thou movest on high,The stars start back and…

Translation from Anacreon, ODE 5.

Mingle with the genial bowlThe Rose, the flow’ret of the Soul,The Rose and Grape together quaff’d,How doubly sweet will be the draught!With Roses crown our jovial brows,While every cheek with Laughter glows;While Smiles and Songs, with Wine incite,To wing our moments with Delight.Rose…

The Prayer Of Nature

Father of Light! great God of Heaven!Hear’st thou the accents of despair?Can guilt like man’s be e’er forgiven?Can vice atone for crimes by prayer? Father of Light, on thee I call!Thou seest my soul is dark within;Thou who canst’mark the…

L’Amitié est L’Amour sans Ailes

Why should my anxious breast repine,       Because my youth is fled?Days of delight may still be mine;       Affection is not dead.In tracing back the years of youth,One firm record, one lasting truth       Celestial consolation brings;Bear…

Soliloquy Of a Bard in the Country

’Twas now the noon of night, and all was still,Except a hapless Rhymer and his quill.In vain he calls each Muse in order down,Like other females, these will sometimes frown;He frets, be fumes, and ceasing to invokeThe Nine, in anguish’d…

To a Knot of Ungenerous Critics

Rail on, Rail on, ye heartless crew!My strains were never meant for you;Remorseless Rancour still reveal,And damn the verse you cannot feel.Invoke those kindred passions’ aid,Whose baleful stings your breasts pervade;Crush, if you can, the hopes of youth,Trampling regardless on the…