The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Lord Byron


Thou whose spell can raise the dead,Bid the prophet’s form appear.‘Samuel, raise thy buried head!King, behold the phantom seer!’ Earth yawn’d; he stood the centre of a cloud:Light changed its hue, retiring from his shroud.Death stood all glassy in his…

Thy Days are Done

Thy days are done, thy fame begun;Thy country’s strains recordThe triumphs of her chosen Son,The slaughter of his sword!The deeds he did, the fields he won,The freedom he restored! Though thou art fall’n, while we are freeThou shalt not taste…

I Saw Thee Weep

I saw thee weep–the big bright tearCame o’er that eye of blue;And then methought it did appearA violet dropping dew:I saw thee smile–the sapphire’s blazeBeside thee ceased to shine;It could not match the living raysThat filled that glance of thine.As…

My Soul Is Dark

My soul is dark – Oh! quickly string  The harp I yet can brook to hear;And let thy gentle fingers fling  Its melting murmur o’er mine ear.If in this heart a hope be dear,  That sound shall charm it forth…

Oh! Snatched Away in Beauty’s Bloom

Oh! snatched away in beauty’s bloom,On thee shall press no ponderous tomb;But on thy turf shall roses rearTheir leaves, the earliest of the year;And the wild cypress wave in tendergloom: And oft by yon blue gushing streamShall sorrow lean her…

Jeptha’s Daughter

Since our Country, our God    Oh, my Sire!Demand that thy Daughter expire;Since thy triumph was brought by thy vow–Strike the bosom that’s bared for thee now! And the voice of my mourning is o’er,And the mountains behold me no…

On Jordan’s Banks

On Jordan’s banks the Arab’s camels stray,On Sion’s hill the False One’s votaries pray,The Baal-adorer bows on Sinai’s steep –Yet there – even there – Oh God! thy thunders sleep: There – where thy finger scorch’d the tablet stone!There –…

Oh! Weep for Those

I.Oh! Weep for those that wept by Babel’s stream,Whose shrines are desolate, whose land a dream,Weep for the harp of Judah’s broken shell–Mourn–where their God that dwelt-the Godless dwell! II.And where shall Israel lave her bleeding feet?And when shall Zion’s…

Oh! Snatched Away In Beauty’s Bloom

Oh! snatched away in beauty’s bloom,On thee shall press no ponderous tomb;But on thy turf shall roses rearTheir leaves, the earliest of ‘ the year;And the wild cypress wave in tender gloom: And oft by yon blue gushing streamShall Sorrow…

The Wild Gazelle

The wild gazelle on Judah’s hills,Exulting yet may bound,And drink from all the living rillsThat gush on holy ground:Its airy step and glorious eyeMay glance in tameless transport by.: – A step as fleet, an eye more bright,Hath Judah witness’d…