The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Lewis Carroll

She’s All My Fancy Painted Him

She’s all my fancy painted him(I make no idle boast);If he or you had lost a limb,Which would have suffered most? He said that you had been to her,And seen me here before;But, in another character,She was the same of…

Rules and Regulations

A short directionTo avoid dejection,By variationsIn occupations, And prolongation Of relaxation,And combinations Of recreations, And disputationOn the state of the nationIn adaptationTo your station,By invitationsTo friends and relations,By evitationOf amputation,By permutationIn conversation,And deep reflectionYou’ll avoid dejection.Learn well your grammar,And never stammer,Write well and neatly,And…


Man Naturally loves delay,And to procrastinate;Business put off from day to dayIs always done too late. Let every hour be in its placeFirm fixed, nor loosely shift,And well enjoy the vacant space,As though a birthday gift. And when the hour…

Photography Extraordinary

The Milk-and-Water SchoolAlas! she would not hear my prayer!Yet it were rash to tear my hair;Disfigured, I should be less fair. She was unwise, I may say blind;Once she was lovingly inclined;Some circumstance has changed her mind. The Strong-Minded or Matter-of-Fact…

Phantasmagoria Canto VII (Sad Souvenaunce)

“WHAT’S this?” I pondered. “Have I slept?Or can I have been drinking?”But soon a gentler feeling creptUpon me, and I sat and weptAn hour or so, like winking. “No need for Bones to hurry so!”I sobbed. “In fact, I doubtIf…

Phantasmagoria Canto VI (Dyscomfyture)

As one who strives a hill to climb,Who never climbed before:Who finds it, in a little time,Grow every moment less sublime,And votes the thing a bore:Yet, having once begun to try,Dares not desert his quest,But, climbing, ever keeps his eyeOn…

Phantasmagoria Canto V (Byckerment)

“Don’t they consult the ‘Victims,’ though?”I said. “They should, by rights,Give them a chance—because, you know,The tastes of people differ so,Especially in Sprites.” The Phantom shook his head and smiled.“Consult them? Not a bit!‘Twould be a job to drive one…

Phantasmagoria Canto IV (Hys Nouryture)

“Oh, when I was a little Ghost,A merry time had we!Each seated on his favourite post,We chumped and chawed the buttered toastThey gave us for our tea.” “That story is in print!” I cried.“Don’t say it’s not, becauseIt’s known as…

Phantasmagoria Canto III (Scarmoges)

“AND did you really walk,” said I,“On such a wretched night?I always fancied Ghosts could fly—If not exactly in the sky,Yet at a fairish height.” “It’s very well,” said he, “for KingsTo soar above the earth:But Phantoms often find that…

Phantasmagoria Canto II (Hys Fyve Rules)

“MY First—but don’t suppose,” he said,“I’m setting you a riddle—Is—if your Victim be in bed,Don’t touch the curtains at his head,But take them in the middle, “And wave them slowly in and out,While drawing them asunder;And in a minute’s time,…