The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Langston Hughes

The Blues

When the shoe strings breakOn both your shoesAnd you’re in a hurry—That’s the blues. When you go to buy a candy barAnd you’ve lost the dime you had—Slipped through a hole in your pocket somewhere—That’s the blucs, too, and bad!

Not Often

I seldom seeA kangarooExcept in a zoo. At a whaleI’ve never had a lookExcept in a book. Another thingI never sawIs my great—Great-great-grandpa—Who must’ve beenA family fixture,But there’s noPicture.


2 and 2 are 4.4 and 4 are 8. But what would happenIf the last 4 was late? And how would it beIf one 2 was me? Or if the first 4 was youDivided by 2?

Brand New Clothes

My mama told me,Kindly, please,Do not get downOn your kneesWith your brand newClothes on. I said, Mom,I’m already down.Can’t I stayOn the groundWith my brand newClothes on? My mother said,No, I say!So my mother had her way—That’s why I’m so…

Shearing Time

It must be nice to be a sheepWith nothing to do but graze and sleep.But when it’s time the wool to shear,That poor old sheep bleats, “Oh, dear!”

Grandpa’s Stories

The pictures on the televisionDo not make me dream as wellAs the stories without picturesGrandpa knows how to tell. Even if he does not knowWhat makes a Spaceman go,Grandpa says back in his timeHamburgers only cost a dime,Ice cream cones…