The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Langston Hughes

Bitter Brew

Whittle me down To a strong thin reed With a piercing tip To match my need.Spin me out To a tensile wire To derrick the stones Of my problems higher.Then simmer te slow In the freedom cup Till only an…


It is not Lake Michigan’s lapping waves, Dun-colored without glow,Nor the scorching summers and freezing winters Where the lake winds blow,Nor the elevated trains that coil,Nor the uncoiled lines of carsThat stretch to the very prairie’s edgeWhen “time to quit”…


Damaged by shells, many of the clocks on the public buildings in Madrid have stopped. At night, the streets are pitchdark. —News Item Put out the lights and stop the clocks. Let time stand still. Again man mocks himself And…


Here are the red flagsThat waveIn the bright silver gloryOf the dawn—The red flagsThat ask no pardonOf the past—Dead and gone.

Old Youth

I heard a child’s voice,Strong, clear, and full of youth,But I looked into his faceAnd the face was old,—Not old with age,But old with city knowledge,Old with workAnd the dust and grimeOf the factories.O little child’s voice,O face like a…


You were the last bulwark of my dreams,And now you, too, have tumbled down into the dust. You, too, are no more than a broken lie. Something came between us green and slimy like sickly laughter and a bowl was…

Friendly in a Friendly Way

I nodded at the sunAnd the sun said, Howdy do!I nodded at the treeAnd the tree said, Howdy, too! I shook hands with the bush.The bush shook hands with me.I said to the flower,Flower, how do you be? I spoke…

Little Song

Carmencita loves Patrick.Patrick loves Si Lan Chen.Xenophon loves Mary Jane.Hildegarde loves Ben. Lucienne loves Eric.Giovanni loves Emma Lee.Natasha loves Miguelito—And Miguelito loves me. Ring around the Maypole!Ring around we go—Weaving our bright ribbonsInto a rainbow!