The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Jalaluddin Rumi

Sleep of the Body the Soul’s Awakening

Every night Thou freest our spirits from the bodyAnd its snare, making them pure as rased tablets.Every night spirits are released from this cage,And set free, neither lording it nor lorded over.At night prisoners are unaware of their prison,At night…

Shadow and Light Source Both

How does a part of the world leave the world?How does wetness leave water? Dont’ try to put out fire by throwing onmore fire! Don’t wash a wound with blood. No matter how fast you run, your shadowkeeps up. Sometimes…

Rise, lovers

Rise, lovers, that we may go towards heaven; we have seen this world, so let us go to that world.No, no, for thought these two gardens are beautiful and fair, let us pass beyond these two, and go to that…

Reason Says Love Says

Reason says, “ I will beguile him with the tongue.”; Love says,“Be silent. I will beguile him with the soul.”The soul says to the heart, “Go, do not laugh at me and yourself.What is there that is not his, that…

Quatrain 1693

O cupbearer, from that wine which you first gave, Toss in two [more] cups worth and increase (my) happiness. Either a taste of it must not be made known, Or, if you have opened the [jug’s] top, you must make…

Out Beyond Ideas

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,there is a field.  I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass,the world is too full to talk about.Ideas, language, even the phrase each otherdoesn’t make any sense

One Whisper of the Beloved

Lovers share a sacred decree—to seek the Beloved.They roll head over heels,rushing toward the Beautiful Onelike a torrent of water. In truth, everyone is a shadow of the Beloved—Our seeking is His seeking,Our words are His words. At times we…

One Swaying Being

Love is not condescension, neverthat, nor books, nor any markingon paper, nor what people say ofeach other. Love is a tree withbranches reaching into eternityand roots set deep in eternity,and no trunk! Have you seen it?The mind cannot. Your desiringcannot.…

Ode 911

On the day I die, when I’m beingcarried toward the grave, don’t weep.Don’t say, ‘He’s gone! He’s gone!’Death has nothing to do with going away.The sun sets and the moon sets,but they’re not gone. Deathis a coming together.The tomb looks…

Ode 314

Those who don’t feel this Lovepulling them like a river,those who don’t drink dawnlike a cup of spring wateror take in sunset like supper,those who don’t want to change,  let them sleep.  This Love is beyond the study of theology,that…