The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Jalaluddin Rumi


Some time ago there was a man named Nasuh.He made his living shampooing women in a bathhouse. He had a face like a woman, but he was not effeminate, though he disguised his virility, so as to keep his job.…

The Debtor Sheikh

Sheikh Ahmad was continually in debt. He borrowed great sums from the wealthy and gave it out to the poor dervishes of the world. He built a sufi monastery by borrowing,and God was always paying his debts, turning sand into…

Cry Out in Your Weakness

A dragon was pulling a bear into its terrible mouth. A courageous man went and rescued the bear. There are such helpers in the world, who rush to save anyone who cries out. Like Mercy itself,they run toward the screaming.…

Love Dogs

One night a man was crying, Allah! Allah!His lips grew sweet with the praising,until a cynic said, “So! I have heard youcalling out, but have you evergotten any response?”The man had no answer to that.He quit praying and fell into…

The Seed Market

Can you find another market like this? Where,with your one roseyou can buy hundreds of rose gardens? Where,for one seedget a whole wilderness? For one weak breath,a divine wind? You’ve been fearfulof being absorbed in the ground,or drawn up by…

Body Intelligence

Your intelligence is always with you,overseeing your body, even thoughyou may not be aware of its work. If you start doing something againstyour health, your intelligencewill eventually scold you. If it hadn’t been so lovingly close by,and so constantly monitoring,how…

New Moon, Hilal

You’ve heard about the qualities of Bilal.Now hear about the thinness of Hilal,which is more advanced than Bilal.He denied his nafs more than some of you who move backward, from being an illumined globe toward becoming again an opaque stone.Remember…

A Craftsman Pulled a Reed

A craftsman pulled a reed from the reedbed,cut holes in it, and called it a human being. Since then, it’s been wailing a tender agonyof parting, never mentioning the skillthat gave it life as a flute.