The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Jalaluddin Rumi

The Spirit of the Saints

There is a Water that flows down from HeavenTo cleanse the world of sin by grace Divine.At last, its whole stock spent, its virtue gone.Dark with pollution not its own, it speedsBack to the Fountain of all purities;Whence, freshly bathed,…

Remembered Music

‘Tis said, the pipe and lute that charm our earsDerive their melody from rolling spheres;But Faith, o’erpassing speculation’s bound,Can see what sweetens every jangled sound. We, who are parts of Adam, heard with himThe song of angels and of seraphim.Out…


Up, O ye lovers, and away! ‘Tis time to leave the world for aye.Hark, loud and clear from heaven the from of parting calls-let none delay!The cameleer hat risen amain, made ready all the camel-train,And quittance now desires to gain:…

Poor Copies Out of Heaven’s Originals

Poor copies out of heaven’s originals,Pale earthly pictures mouldering to decay,What care although your beauties break and fall,When that which gave them life endures for aye? Oh never vex thine heart with idle woes:All high discourse enchanting the rapt ear,All…

He Comes

He comes, a moon whose like the sky ne’er saw, awake or dreaming.Crowned with eternal flame no flood can lay.Lo, from the flagon of thy love, O Lord, my soul is swimming,And ruined all my body’s house of clay! When…

How Did You Get Away?

How did you get away?You were the pet falcon of an old woman.Did you hear the falcon-drum?You were a drunken songbird put in with owls.Did you smell the odor of a garden?You got tired of sour fermentingand left the tavern.…

Gone to the Unseen

At last you have departed and gone to the Unseen.What marvelous route did you take from this world? Beating your wings and feathers,you broke free from this cage.Rising up to the skyyou attained the world of the soul.You were a…

A Star Without a Name

When a baby is taken from the wet nurse,it easily forgets herand starts eating solid food.Seeds feed awhile on ground,then lift up into the sun.So you should taste the filtered lightand work your way toward wisdomwith no personal covering.That’s how…